

  • Emotional



    It was a dark, gloomy, night
    Sleeping just didn’t seem right
    Scared yes I was
    Since abuse is all he does

    Why live in this awful place
    Where people can’t even leave alone their own race
    My life is gonna go bye
    At this rate I am might even die

    Heaven sounds wonderful
    With it being all colorful
    If I kill myself today
    I just wont ever get to see that ocean bay

    I may never find out what heaven is really like
    Where children are laughing and flying their kite
    Life is like living in hell
    I might as well go hide in a shell

    But I’d rather be working and hired
    Then being someone working for free and tired
    I bet Hell would love some shade
    And I Don’t doubt they’ll ever receive a good grade

    I thought It was an angel that brought me here
    But I feel more worthless then that statue Deer
    Why do people have to inflict so much pain
    They may as well eat you as you were grain

    School used to be so much fun
    But now I wish I were just done
    Fighting, drama, and all kinds off hell
    While you linger waiting just waiting for that bell

    Teachers and counselors try to figure out what’s wrong
    Its like a Chihuahua chasing a German Shepard Kong.
    What will they find out
    This can’t even be fixed by a dog snout

    I will live to be a person
    Iam finally ready and done

    Poem Comments


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    bobarobbob commented on Scared


    Not bad, but you need to learn what words to leave out of the poem. The flow is important if you want it to be read and remembered. i liked the imagery but it could be smoother.

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    melki18’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Alone 0
    My Own Blood... 3
    A Night I'll never forget. 5
    memories 4
    Scared 1
    Another him 2
    The world 0
    He may have said. 0
    A lonely Girl. 3
    I am. 2