I am.


I am.

I am falling ill. Hurry up make my will. The vengeance of my soul is attacking. And my heart is slowly cracking. Into peices I fall to the floor. I can't take it no more. My life is slowly falling apart. As blood spills from my heart. My emotions are falling weak. As my voice begins to squeak. The angels come and resque me. I thought we were meant to be? Guess you don't love me anymore. Guess you're gonna make me walk out the door. Put me through the worst pain in life. Sending me to hell at the point of a knife. Bullets are flying across the room. Why does everyone have a face of gloom? Why is everyone crying? Why is everyone dying? Those lingering kisses are no longer there. Your face is no longer near. Your warm body is no longer next to mine. I am no longer gonna be fine. I am in hell today. Because you let me go away. You told me to leave you alone. Because hell is my only home. =[

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cutbanksam commented on I am.


Dear Melke18. All of us know the pain one feels when they are young and can see no future. It was very hard on me when my first wife left per mutual agreement. I didn't think anything would ever be right again. There is good news though, it will pass and someday fairly soon you will wonder why you cared so much for her. There are innumberable chicks out there willing to scratch your back dude. Keep the faith, I know what I am talking about.

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

melki18’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Alone 0
My Own Blood... 3
A Night I'll never forget. 5
memories 4
Scared 1
Another him 2
The world 0
He may have said. 0
A lonely Girl. 3
I am. 2