A Night I'll never forget.


  • Family

    A Night I'll never forget.

    For a second I thought there was Hope.

    Hope my mother would quit using dope.

    It was the night after 7th grade ended.

    She said it was a vacation, and I pretended.

    All these years she told me she loves me.

    But she never stayed long enough for me to believe.

    It was the day they came and took me back.

    The day I went home and one thing did I lack.

    A family.

    All I heard was screaming and shrieking.

    Everyone’s mouths were leaking.

    Cursing and in vein.

    They didn’t care about mine or his pain.

    My brother and I sit in the basement.

    Listening to mother and daughter vent,

    I hated what I heard.

    My grandma saying all those awful words.

    I felt so helpless and gone.

    All I knew is that I had to be strong.

    So I got up and told him everything would be alright.

    And that he’d go home tonight.

    He believed me so we played play station.

    And I say there with all my patience.

    That night our mom left us there.

    Like she didn’t even care.

    In the middle of the week,

    She came just to take a peak.

    Took my little brother away.

    And left me there to stay.

    I hate her for everything she’s done.

    But I love her cause she’s mother.

    Poem Comments


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    DeepEclipse commented on A Night I'll never forget.


    Sounds tormenting. I know the feeling. How do you deal with family that refuses to care. You want to care back, but you gotta stand up to em too. Feels sadder when a mother does it. They are usually the caring ones. Hope she comes around and remembers how to love her children.

    1990lh commented on A Night I'll never forget.


    wow this was a really powerful and beauifully written poem it was so sad full of stong emotion it told a story that leaves us the readers with sorrow i could here your pain through your words u painted th whole inour heads i agree this pem gets a 10

    KristyLoren commented on A Night I'll never forget.


    This is so sad and heartbreaking but through your lyrics I truly felt your pain (as much as I could I can't imagine, I am sorry) But again an exquisite piece of art that will touch many. You are so young and have SO much talent. Deep and thought provoking, I LOVED it!!!!



    Thank you for reading it. =]

    cliftondurant commented on A Night I'll never forget.


    great poem i am sad that happen to you but i admire your love because she is my mom great job



    Thank you.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    melki18’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Alone 0
    My Own Blood... 3
    A Night I'll never forget. 5
    memories 4
    Scared 1
    Another him 2
    The world 0
    He may have said. 0
    A lonely Girl. 3
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