

Poem Commentary

From the perspective of a prisoner just released..... Sorry I was bored.


I sigh in happiness,
Released from my cell.
No more stale air
Full of prisoner's cries.
A breeze tickles my cheek
Saying hello.
I dig my toes into
Mother Earth
Savoring the warmth of the sun
Thinking back to my
Damp, cold cell.
Green grass beneath my feet
Blue sky keeping watch over me.
I feel peaceful
My pleas for release answered.
I have a second chance
And I'm not going to throw it away.

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BlackButterfly1 commented on Release


You are certainly able to capture a moment and translate it into words. Wow..... I'm enjoying your work so far.

utah commented on Release


i cant wait to read the rest of you work, i cant belive your so youg, i was there too at 14 and so was my dad i wounder if your words came from your life or imagination either way you know your poems are gifts to those that read your words always belive in your self and keep sharing your greatness with the world

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

ShadowStealer’s Poems (38)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Retirement 0
Aftermath 0
Too Late 0
Loving A Vampire (A Twilight Parody Poem) 0
Phantom of the Opera Song/Poem 0
Stuck Inside Myself 2
Stained Glass 3
Different Arts 2
Release 3
Abuse 4
Insanity Is Calling 5
Depression Haiku 3
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The Spider's Guild 1
Dance of the Seasons 2
Counterpart 1
Haiku 1 2
Summer Love 1
A Forgotten Friend 8
Dancing with Death 5
That Red Door 2
A Colored Rose 6
A Bookish Life 5
Raised By the Faeries 4
I wonder 5
Night and Day 3
Long Ago 4
Bored 2
Heartbreak 6
Raindrops 6
Sanctuary 6
Ice Prince 10
Artificial 8
Simply Love 4
The Theater 2
Mirror Mirror 4