Mirror Mirror


Poem Commentary

.....Not much just my first poem.

Mirror Mirror

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
who is the poorest one of all?
Is it the man full of pity and woe,
or the richest man who still wants more?

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
who is the smartest one of all?
Is it the girl who gets A's on her test,
or maybe the man who knows of happiness.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
who is the happiest one of all?
Hey hey, what's that you say?
no answer will come today.
For no one truly is content
no matter the meaning or extent.

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BlackButterfly1 commented on Mirror Mirror


Very well said. It's human nature to never be satisfied. Gratitude is practiced.

ShadowStealer commented on Mirror Mirror


Thx stella and eclipse!!!!

DeepEclipse commented on Mirror Mirror


Clever. Maybe -contentment- is too subjective of a thing to be the same for everyone. Guess it depends on what makes one content. Maybe. (Is it the man full of pity and woe, or the richest man who still wants more?) - This caught my eye. To think a rich man could still be poorer. Sharp minded poem.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

ShadowStealer’s Poems (38)

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