

  • Happiness


    in my office
    surrounded by fine art
    using a laptop
    i have hand made office
    furniture-leather chair
    with a glass all over me
    i have it all
    all that i wanted
    all theat i dreamt for
    for twenty two years back
    in my office i lack nothing
    i see the world down there
    with people moving around
    but i cry deep down
    for not knowing what tomorrow will be made out of me
    yet i do rejoice for i have God with me

    abluesky to Sandra

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    WhisperingWind commented on rejoice


    Knowing what tomorrow brings, always hoping it will be something good or an answer to a long awaited question...great job!

    laydbak1 commented on rejoice


    There's little can compare with the exaltation of finally looking around and deciding you're where you've always wanted to be, but at the same time, will it always be enough... That's where we close our eyes and give thanks to the gods and spirits we trust, then ask them for one more favor... To give us the patience and wisdom to be content with what we've achieved so we do not become bored and make bad decisions and lose what we achieved... Great write..

    sammia commented on rejoice


    very good...God is the only one to know whats going to happen tomorrow. I like it keep writing

    bose commented on rejoice


    the is lovely,only God indeed knows what tomorow holds for us but if we believe truly in him he will make all well with us.nice poem keep it up.

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    abluesky’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    when the bells ring 4
    death 4
    lost 7
    shadow 7
    rejoice 4
    candle in hand 14