

  • Death


    from nowhere he paid us a visit

    in our suburbans he did visit

    without noticing his footprints

    without words to anybody

    never knocked at any door

    for none will allow him a space in their apartments

    yet he forced his way into our suburbans

    not just the suburbans but in our own house

    always find himself somebody to accompany him with, to his land

    the land of silence,the land of darkness

    he did take away the one i care for

    living me in sorrow

    living me in memories

    memories which i can not forget of

    how carlous you are

    for you have no pity in you

                            to christine

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    ayyan commented on death


    As a poet yu have very strong senses of writing on the -death- It is the final ground of everyone, even to me -ayyan-

    laydbak1 commented on death


    Strongly written and it is sad, that those word can't be shoved up his butt to remind him he's never a welcomed visitor... Well done....

    Bobcatmoon commented on death


    I felt the intensity of this piece ...was it based on experience? have a way to draw the reader in

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    abluesky’s Poems (7)

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    when the bells ring 4
    death 4
    lost 7
    shadow 7
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