


J. R. Dowdy

Look deep into the wishing well
Let loose your dreaming power
Let rumblings from the dungeon deep
Ring from the tops of towers
Let every whisper spoken soft
Held back for sake of fear
Ring loudly from the mountaintop
For every soul to hear

For what we say and think and feel
We ought bring to the table
To share our own experiences
Wisdoms, if we are able
For every peasant has a voice
As priceless as a king’s
Though different indeed we are
Each voice uniquely rings

Cast fear aside until you’ve tried
Till then you’ll never know
If you would have an audience
Who greatly wants to know
You and you alone know best
Those things you have lived through
And who will tell the rest of us
If it shall not be you

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A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

jackdowdy’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
"WHen I Arise" 0
“The Audience of One” 1
“The Forgotten Man” 0
“Passion” 0
“Voice Of a Dream Girl” 0
"Stories" 0
“I Cling Tightly and Wait” 0
“A Love That's Here To Stay” 0