“A Love That's Here To Stay”


  • Love

    “A Love That's Here To Stay”

    “A Love That's Here To Stay”
    Jack Dowdy
    Your kisses are like pearls, so different and so rare in this world
    I'd love to run my fingers through your dark cascading hair unfurled

    I love you perhaps so much more than I could ever truly show
    But somehow within I do suspect that you already know

    For you destroy my sorrow and my horrid misery
    And you erase all of my pain with love and sympathy

    So if I had but just one wish one single chance to spend it true
    Deciding would be such a cinch I'd simply wish for more of you

    Your fragrance is much sweeter than the roses in the spring
    And through your warm and soft embrace both love and joy you bring

    The moon up in the sky at night
    Seems so pale and plain despite
    The stars that so light up the night
    The stars, they shine for you

    The lunar lady moon at night
    Is just afraid, and quite up-tight
    For it's you, not she, who shines most bright
    She knows it to be true

    Your gaze gives off a soft warm glow
    And seeing it I always know
    That love, from you to me, does flow
    It just blows me away

    And every day I stand amazed
    Of just how deeply I am phased
    Yet I know I have only grazed
    A love that's here to stay

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    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    jackdowdy’s Poems (8)

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