"I Love You"


  • Love

    "I Love You"

    I have never said the words that almost pass my lips,
    So far I've caught myself before it almost slips.
    It would feel so natural,and comfortable to say,
    I fear if it is said to soon, you might up and run away.
    I think you know what words those are,that I hold back in my heart,
    I have felt you almost say them too,I've sensed you almost start.
    If I knew I wouldn't lose you,I would say them when they come,
    I don't want to take the chance,I know we've just begun.
    Just know that I am yours,and when the time is here,
    The words I keep behind my lips,I'll say with no more fear.

    Poem Comments


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    butterfly62463 commented on "I Love You"


    your poems has touch my heart even tears has falling,it a honor to read your thoughts and from the heart,keep up the excellent work,I will like to read more.

    IAMLIKEU commented on "I Love You"


    New love is the best love You capture it in your words nicely and it flows like a bubbling brook



    Thank you so much for your warm comment . It means alot.

    Hoosierpoet commented on "I Love You"


    Well done, and no doubt left as to what those words really are; words we all long to hear, and long to say, and be accepted and appreciated by the one we say them to. Moses

    LuvUrBabyGirl commented on "I Love You"


    I have lived in this place... this exact place.

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Dancingfire’s Poems (14)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Rivers Of Time 3
    " The Infinite Life Fire" 1
    "Tracings Of Infinity" 0
    "In Silence" 6
    "I Love You" 4
    The Mirrors 2
    "Night Out" 2
    Slowly 1
    Early Morning Walk 5
    Answering The Call 3
    Premature Birth 3
    "A Friend" 1
    Grandfather Comes 3
    December Snow 4