Early Morning Walk


  • Nature

    Early Morning Walk

    Took a walk early this morning before the dogs were even up .So beautiful down back right now .
    Walked out my door and the aroma hit me , the smell of Apples and musty Earth . Cool damp air on my skin.Headed down the path , leaves crunching under foot , leaves scurrying along with the breeze ahead of my step .Sky blue , clouds white . Birds calling their morning song . Coffee in hand ,I check the field...Deer beds are empty, still steaming from their warmth , hmmm, must have just left to start their day .Furter I go and the Squirrels are complaining ,that I am present in their world . I smile and continue toward the brook, at the hardwood ridge , leaves of many colors carpet the ground and remind me of the colorfull patch work quilt my Grandmother made,I sit for a moment and watch them fall, coffee cup warming my hands . I hear the distant snap of brush that I know too well , the deer are at the brook for their Morning drink . Raven comes and sits high in the pine , he calls and the Deer know I am here . Their white tails are UP and they run the path to the logging road to the hill on the opposite side .I listen to the water rushing over the rocks for a minute before I turn toward home . I save the last bit of my coffee for the walk back . Tired ...I reach the house and hear Raven call , He followed me home , I smile and nod . Wood fire burning fresh coffee brewing , warm kitchen...Life is good .

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    optimistic commented on Early Morning Walk


    I really enjoyed this piece I wanted the lines to break up more into three and four line stanza in order not to rush your beautiful metaphors and similies. The words you express on your trip are great, yet I wanted to slow down a little to get the full picture. Ravens comes and sits high in the pine, Birds calling there morning songs, this is a great piece just needs to be broken up more.



    Great walk by the way this would make my morning so peacefull



    Thank you for reading and critiquing it means a lot. Happy you enjoyed.

    kenparme commented on Early Morning Walk


    This is a beautiful poem-So visual I could see it all happening and even felt refreshed myself--Thanks.

    WordSlinger commented on Early Morning Walk


    Yep, good poem, can I pitch a tent there, it sounds so good. I'll bring by bug repellent. :) I gave this a 9

    bandit1192 commented on Early Morning Walk


    I had my cup of coffee and walked right along with you. I wish I could do that for real. I don't live in town, but also not in the country like you have. Thanks for taking me there. TS

    lightcourier commented on Early Morning Walk


    Very prose like. Kind of a journal entry. I liked the images, but felt it was less of a poem and more of an inspirational story. Nice work. Thanks!

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Dancingfire’s Poems (14)

    Title Comments
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    "Tracings Of Infinity" 0
    "In Silence" 6
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    Early Morning Walk 5
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