Answering The Call


  • Nature

    Answering The Call

    I get up from my place at the table and put a stick of wood into the kitchen stove. The breeze is coming in and moving up the wide swath of lawn to touch the red leaves on my Maple tree, blowing them for a few wild moments as they rattle their call.
    In them; I hear Spirit…Pure and simple .I put on my long quilted shirt and step outside onto a lawn that saw better days in the beginning of spring, now a little lackluster for sure.
    The smell of Apples fallen from their tired branches call me down to their place on the ground. I lie in the hammock under their trees and take in the aroma, so sweet… and swing, daydreaming of a dance by the brook to welcome in autumn. The moon was bright that night and I felt complete and high from the energy of it all. This place holds much of my peace and serenity for me and helps me to stay in balance. Which we all know isn’t an easy feat at times!
    Wish I had brought some coffee with me, but next time …

    My belly rolling and hungry from breathing apples, I make my way to the kitchen again… warm …cozy ….
    What will move me next, I wonder. The singing of a bird? Or the whisper of the wind? Perhaps the way the sun shines thru colored leaves. I never know but I always follow …Dancingfire

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    MSVanallen commented on Answering The Call


    I have been reading over your posted work and I really like the way you connect your senses with your spirit with your experiences. It really all does come together as one if we understand the mind, the body and the spirit are so connected as to offer up these expressions. Thank you.

    bandit1192 commented on Answering The Call


    I use a lot of I, too. I like the way you describe what you see in a way that "I" might be able to see, too. I like lightcourier's poems so I hope he doesn't take offense.

    lightcourier commented on Answering The Call


    I liked reading this! it seemed more Poem like in the prosepoem style of writing. Evoked a lot of fond memories for me! Good writing! Thanks!

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    Dancingfire’s Poems (14)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Rivers Of Time 3
    " The Infinite Life Fire" 1
    "Tracings Of Infinity" 0
    "In Silence" 6
    "I Love You" 4
    The Mirrors 2
    "Night Out" 2
    Slowly 1
    Early Morning Walk 5
    Answering The Call 3
    Premature Birth 3
    "A Friend" 1
    Grandfather Comes 3
    December Snow 4