

  • jenifer
  • alert but not enough sleep . hope my poems please thee.


pain ,pressure it knows no ends no bounds it just begins. it slithers up into your end and creates a dome where once there was none , sithes into your pit into your soul and takes a hold almost like a choke hold. never letting go it winds itself upside down and slithers out without a sound. a wall it touches with no end and ryme and rythme with no beginning and no end.  manuascript crinkles with blood and creeps into its pages and writes again a story with no end.

   one with pain and no let up and with abuse and setting up for failure and for pain ,with this she knows no gain.

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photochick commented on pressure


wonderful imagery love the pic as well watch your spelling though but i do enjoy it and look forward to reading more

Milkman commented on pressure


very nice piece with lots of great need to use the spellcheck.... it detracts from your work when I have to try and figure out what word you are trying to say...

Phoenix9 commented on pressure


you do have a lot of talent, you express yourself well, my only real critique, one i use alot (lol) the spell check just because sometimes the words don't look right, keep on writing whats inside,the feelings are truely there

teasasue commented on pressure


ok I liked how you wrote this and the word chooices you have used here. I can feel your pain in this, Please dont listen to this guy, because 1 if he went o school the way he is trying to tell you you did not. He would know that you are not supposed to start a sentence with and. Good job on this poem

Troubador commented on pressure


Jenifer are you some one that has never been to school obviously not. Therefore I will give you some constructive criticism. Poetry is a language art so there are some rules first off Capitalize your sentences. Also word choice is paramount to good poetry, no-one likes redundancy so for the second no in the first line might I suggest the word nor. And as far as word choice goes what's sithes I think you meant seethes. Always check your spelling. A nd as redundancy is concerned," Into your pit into your soul" does not make a lick of sense. Your spelling is atrocious, I mean rhythm is rhythm rhyme is rhyme manuscript is spelled manuscript. And where are your stanza breaks I only see one this poem if you dare to call it poetry is going to receive my lowest rating ever. So that you do not consider me an ogre I will give you some redemptionyour imagery is quite powerful.



who cares how shit is spelt hell i cant spell either o well i liked it yep thats it

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

jenifer’s Poems (193)

Title Comments
Title Comments
putting myself first above the pain, getting on without abuse. 0
regrets of loves past due.........o
f romance and of you.
Something i said to a grieving friend. 0
wondering on looking for you. 1
Missing a part.........
of the heart
distance lies.... 1
dreams are. . . 2
it's 3 o'clock in the morning again. 0
belongings, there impact on our writing and what baggage everything else creates 0
the side of the universe, why it is the winds own dame 1
where is home.....? 1
Tants in my ear. Paper is mighter than your hateful dispostion 0
i sing of this....... 1
love at too high a price, to sleep........
not ever figured out........ 0
it's a penny and a piece of candy..... 0
because you are mine. 0
done believeing 1
shadows of despair 0
what are you gonna do? 0
elements that touch us.... 0
these words 0
dreams are forever 1
i don't understand this touch this war inside... 0
what do you do? 0
scabbed over planet. 0
pain assult, freedom unaware......
truth of life.... 0
these marks 1
pain ain't got no place here 0
heaven and hell ain't so swell 2
I don't yield 0
pain past perfection 0
expiration date 0
past 1
life's journey 0
stars in your eyes 0
don't let it knock you down 0
knock the glass 0
if only passion kept a tune 0
unkept 0
dust in your eyes 0
young and needs hand 0
poverty,poor being 0
walls to grow 0
show me the stars 0
bourbon 0
stage at the theatre 0
unbound , unyielding 0
moments fleeting 1
not a propasion to be won 0
party bargain 0
every dream and dreamer 0
disability 0
the heart will fall 1
oh baby oh well 0
make up your mind 0
borrowed time 1
not gonna let you burn me 0
long 0
judgment by thi self upon thi self 0
doin as only we and our heart can know 0
hell and heaven spent 0
never ending 0
why 0
revengence 0
pain cant be scrubbed or drunk away. 0
poor 1
feet 0
greek song 1
grime 1
thighs 0
choking 0
formation 0
other 0
desacrution 0
battery 0
rape has a name. 0
coloring 0
sadness swallows 0
reason for self pain 0
the pain of no common sense. 1
condensation 2
getting threw 0
unexceptable 0
wounds to deep 0
transquility continatineal 0
indecency 2
yell y dont ya 1
fragility 0
post to the past 0
choas after the war. 0
father times eternal stillness 0
kindred city 0
passion exists 3
the death of the land 1
cast us aside 0
angels be here 2
random thought. 0
alert 0
await the light 0
walls 2
pain from the bottom and up again 1
just like before 1
broken 1
soul strong 0
the spirits dont cry. 1
casting 0
inspirational 0
dreams 0
hands in mine 3
The change 2
horzion 1
stress 2
torment 3
these eyes 3
homeless and lost 2
crystal eyes 5
written 2
frustration 2
a plea 3
this love 2
jaded eyes that bind me 2
jaded 2
bloody wounds. 0
day 2
brace. 0
chosen wings 1
bottom of the bottle 3
road to tomorrow. 1
wandering wide 2
holders 4
synmmentry 1
shower 3
laden 1
no refuge 4
ashes holey smoke. 4
pressure 9
power of grace. 5
darkness laden with honor 6
tombs 2
petal ,thorn and glass 4
land 2
remember 2
pieces 4
mind's eye 3
these tears 4
take me as i am 4
motion 0
rosa 2
desperation 2
romance 2
these are the other star 2
creation 4
no glory 3
dare them 1
lights go out 1
seashore 3
ground 3
nights last honor 1
cosmos 3
anothers arms 3
love you threw the moon 9
poetry lends a hand 0
purpess we know not 0
death of an angel 5
fear of a death that wont bring peace 4
faith 5
soot 2
endings 1
dream of dreams 1
no where 1
dance 1
midnight 0
motions 1
random 1
fall 1
wish 2
false euphoria 1
this 0
memories 1
madness and love 0
erotica 4
beat 4
worlds away 0
rise up 1
my own bravery 2
innocence 2
sexual desire 8
rape 8
dreamer 3