chicane407’s Profile

  • Age: private
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  • Gender: private
  • Country: United States
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Im a not as good as some but they say write what you feel so i have...I hope you like them and if you can help me better my work feel free to help me...I write for enjoyment and i found that writting for my friends gives me the greatest pleasure...Hince some of the names on my poems.Peace be with you..........


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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

chicane407’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Gazing at the stars 0
Stripped 1
Hands of silk 0
Your eyes in Candel light 0
Lindsay... 1
Our New Life 0
My Light 1
Another soldier lost... 1
Sherri's Petal 1
Rachael's Tears 1
The Beautiful Goodbye 2