Fredscott’s Profile

  • Age: 46
  • Location: Columbus, OH
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


My name is Freddie Scott. I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio.

I have been a poet all of my life but I never realized it until 1994 when I wrote my first true poem. Since then I have penned over 300 poems ranging in subject matter. Though my pen has slowed down over the years, I am very much a writer at heart so that is something that will never change.

Eventually my poetry lead me into music which I dabbled in for five years of so.

My love for writing is very sincere. I believe that natural abilities should be shared and enjoyed by the masses even though there is not much of an outlet for "talent" these days. With Blogs and such, any and everyone has a forum for expression which takes away from the exceptional writers.

I plan on self publishing my first book in fall of 2009. The tentative title is "Thoughts at a Pyramids Peak". I will be sure to share information on my plans for the book as they emerge.

Stop by and check out some of my work. I will be sure to do the same.

Freddie Scott


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Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Fredscott’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Pleasantry Exchange 0
The Panties 0
Admonished Heartbeats 0
Self-Portrait 1
Wet Journal Entry 0
Pretend-ship 2
Monarch 1
Accredited 0
Crying Happy Pain 0
A Writer’s Love and the Reader’s Script 0