My Memories of the 50's


My Memories of the 50's

My Memories of the 50’s

My Grandpa Lowe had three grocery stores back in the early 50’s,catfish in iced barrels, fruit brought in an old truck over the grapevine,the town thought Mr. Lowe had plenty of money, being a man that was just quite nifty.
His last name was Lowe but to some it was Lowenstein, making a few more extra bucks was the name of the game, how he played it with all his Irish luck, the actual story told was never the same.

 Grandma, wiping the sweat from her brow with her little old apron,was one of the fastest meat slicers, some believed it was from her French heritage that was Louisiana Cajun.
I remember running down the aisles screaming, “more, candy, more,” and Grandpa would say, “just give it to her and lock that back screen door”.

Watermelon fights, throwing eggs at the pigs, setting the haystack on fire was our kind of fun, running away from her as we usually did, Granny Watson yelling at us, “what you kids just did is called sin”.

I think I was six, sitting up in that old apple tree,I heard wailing and crying, so I jumped down to see.
Last words Granny spoke was, “can’t you see them, the angels are here”, yes, those were her last words, my little Granny Watson so dear!

There was this story I always used to hear,how Grandpa Lowe borrowed $35,000 from a bank just on a handshake.
Later in life I went to that bank, asked around until I found the man that made the mistake of loaning my Grandpa $35,000 on just a handshake. 

Grocery stores have been in our blood since 1684, but Grandpa Lowe wanted to start a restaurant causing him to open that ominous, fateful door.

 It was after WWII had ended and everything was on the upswing, bankrupt, as he was my Grandma Lowe stuck by his side until the day my Grandpa Lowe died.  She was his rock, his soul mate for life and I would catch her sometimes crying, trying to hide.
Grandma Lowe is gone, but the memories linger, here in my heart they will always sing forever




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BigDaddyCash commented on My Memories of the 50's


My Grandmother used to sing a song to me . . . It went something like this; . . . A story I’m going to tell of a women old and gray . . . Walking the streets in the cold and the sleets at the end of a winters day. Quite weary she sank in a chair in front of a building grand . . . when a youth inside with over bearing pride came and ordered her away from there. Next door there stood a newsboy who owned a little stand . . . He saw the poor old lady ordered from the building grand . . . He ran inside his humble store as if in childish glee . . . He brought a chair from out the place with a smile upon his face . . . As these kind words he said; ...Take a seat old lady for you are welcome here . . . You’ll find it here and waiting when you pass this way . . . In silence she sat for awhile . . . poor soul she could scarcely speak . . . At last she arose and said with lips that were trembling blue . . . I’ll remember you lad once I had a boy like you . . .Well, three years have come and gone since then . . .the same old place we see. . . the boy received a letter wondering from whom it could be . . . She had died without a kin , . . Left her millions all to him . . . Through these kind words he said . . . Take a seat old lady for you are welcome here . . . you’ll find it here and welcome when you pass this way. It’s really something, the things you remember when reminiscing in the middle of your night my grandmother used to sing a lot of songs like this and they all seem to have so much meaning. These are things that I haven’t thought about in well over 50 years. Yet I can hear them now as if she were here in person singing to me..



Loved your poetic story.

shannie76 commented on My Memories of the 50's


Wow! this was such a mix of made me laugh and cry!



I'm glad you liked it, all of it's true. Really, I don't lie, just with my age comes a lot of life's experiences. Thanks for the comment. Your friend, Janie

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

WritingsByJanie’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
"My Memories of the 50's" 0
A Letter To My Son 1
Have You Ever Had A Dream Come True? 3
Oh, Happy Day 1
Friend, Lover, Soul mate 0
Images 1
An Alabaster Box 1
I remember, Grandma, I remember 2
The Summer of 1962 2
My Memories of the 50's 3