My Life


  • Sadness

    My Life

    sometimes people defeat me. some times i let them get the best of me. not anymore my weaknesses are my strengths. my victory is mine and will be no one elses. when i lose all faith in everyone i regain more faith in myself. this is the struggle i call my life. i've mentally broken down litlle by little but i know that know matter what i am mentally and physically prepard for anything. i'm strong and independent and thats why other people feel so insecure about themselves. i realized a guy never defind me they never made me strong the guys i've been with just kept making me weak. every struggle in my life has brought me even further from the person i want to be with for the rest of my life. i have been through a lot of things i've faced obstacles people wouldn't curse upon there worse enemies. i've been better and i've been worse. i just can't destroy myself and i can't let my fears and insecurites be put aside. but throughout everything i have believed in myself and i have believed in everything else. i'm so strong nothing has yet to escape me nothing has slipped through my grasp.

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    ForgottenSoul’s Poems (10)

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