Alone Again


Alone Again

As I sit and look at the stars,
There is nothing left for me anymore.
My family has been torn apart,
I am left with a broken heart.
Used and abused,
Time and time again.
Even now I have no true friends.
Not a shoulder to cry on,
No One who cares.
Left with nothing,
My heart darkens.
Not suicide,
Not now.
I refuse this path.
My enemies would only enjoy this.
My life is a battle,
I cant seem to win.
I go on another day,
Wishing I could find my way.
Though out all the sorrow,
I dread the light of tomorrow.
Another day I stand alone,
Forever to walk,
In this cruel unkind world.
Only a bottle to drown my pain.
At least to make it through another day.

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disheartenme commented on Alone Again


your poem paints a picture of loneliness, yet you do not sound desperate. you've still a will to live and go on with life. there are billions of people in the world, and most probably have felt this way at one point or ironic. you are not alone and by continuing to write and share your deepest inner thoughts you will find those who can relate.

dahlusion commented on Alone Again


This is a very beautifully dark, deeply dark, creative write coming from a soul who is not lost but whose thinking functions as if you are lost. You are not lost, you may be stagnating on some heavy level of loneliness but you are not lost.

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

ForgottenSoul’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
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