All That Is


All That Is

Broken, She is tore to pieces.
Hollow, Lost her meaning for existence.
Useless, Eyes black as night.
Cold as ice, Her heart turns to stone.
Outside smiling, Inside is dying.
Given her all, She is still left alone.
Building her walls, They cant break down.
Left behind, No one wants her around.
Walking this road, Her future is unknown.
Tears fall, Leaving behind a trail of pain.
She is screaming, But never makes a sound.
So tired, She tries to get up.
Loosing her grip, Life comes crashing down.
Burning to the ground, she has nothing left.
Building from ashes, She looses her sanity.
Going numb, her heart is bleeding.
Forgotten, She only wanted a family.
Scars heal, But her wounds are to deep.
Longing to be complete, Only in her dreams.
Slipping away, U can save her from this agony.
Forget her past, She deserves happiness.
Given a chance, her love could be endless.

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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

ForgottenSoul’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
All That Is 0
Alone Again 2
Life 1
My Love 0
If.......... 1
Insanity Talking 2
My Life 0
Fake Me 2
Life 2