My Inner Beast


My Inner Beast

Savage thoughts in my mind
Wish you to fall behind
Peace and calmness is what I show
But there are things you do not know
Death and hate is on my mind
Images you'll never find
My inner beast you do not see
These thoughts and feelings belong to me
It preys upon the gentle heart
'Till everything just falls apart
My inner beast you do not see
Because the beast is really ME

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rollerderby commented on My Inner Beast


I guess we all have an inner beast that we keep to ourselves but every once in a while the beast will show itself whether we want it to or not. great poem dear

edb6163 commented on My Inner Beast


This is an very good poem. The flow and end rhyme are fantastic. A very powerful piece for someone so young. I look forward to reading more of your poems.

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

Dragon’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
My confession 1
How Can I Explain 1
Finding Of Your True Love 1
Fading Into Blackness 1
A Cry for Innocence 2
Untitled 1
Time to change 1
Envy 1
Crumbling Fantasy 1
Weakness and Pride 1
Forever A Child 1
Lonely Beach 1
Escaping Reality 1
Who is "Me" 2
Drowning 1
My Inner Beast 3
First Love 1
moving forward 1
Final Blow 2