Forever A Child


  • Life
  • ,
  • Childhood

    Forever A Child

    They say the world's a scary place

    you'll know when you grow up

    but I just want to stay a kid

    let dreams overflow my cup

    adults have so much they have to do

    responsibilities to take

    I just want to close my eyes

    pretend I'm not awake

    I remember those days

    when I was just a child

    my heart was at peace

    and my mind ran wild

    all the excitement in not knowing

    what would come the next day

    putting up a fight

    not being scared away

    I know I should be standing up

    walking on my own

    but there's some comfort in knowing

    that I'm not alone

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    Teardrops commented on Forever A Child


    the truth will set you free and you have spoken the truth wonderful poem thanks for the read

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    Dragon’s Poems (19)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My confession 1
    How Can I Explain 1
    Finding Of Your True Love 1
    Fading Into Blackness 1
    A Cry for Innocence 2
    Untitled 1
    Time to change 1
    Envy 1
    Crumbling Fantasy 1
    Weakness and Pride 1
    Forever A Child 1
    Lonely Beach 1
    Escaping Reality 1
    Who is "Me" 2
    Drowning 1
    My Inner Beast 3
    First Love 1
    moving forward 1
    Final Blow 2