A Cry for Innocence


Poem Commentary

For the things that can't be unseen, for the pain we've been delt, and the pain we've caused, for the things in this world that have changed our child mind.... because once you've lost your innocence you can never get it back.

A Cry for Innocence

I'll cry today
For you, for me
For who we used to be
So innocent
Now gone astray
Waiting for death
To take us away
Once so pure
Now covered with sin
This is the loss
Of our innocence
Once so sweet
And so naive
But we saw the world
And now we believe
Once you're dirty
You can never get clean
That is the stain
Of society

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poetgeek commented on A Cry for Innocence


wow, very nice. i like how its about a relationship, and the stain that can never be cleaned. : )

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Dragon’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
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