

  • Depressed


    im drowning in the deep, dark waters
    will someone come and save me?
    i keep plunging deeper and deeper
    did anyone even see me?
    i thrash around but i make no wave
    do they notice that im missing?
    everyday seems the same, no light on a sunny day
    if i play along will i surface someday?

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    SWesleyMcgranor commented on Drowning


    Those people just want to keep you down. Arise! and walk on water.

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Dragon’s Poems (19)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My confession 1
    How Can I Explain 1
    Finding Of Your True Love 1
    Fading Into Blackness 1
    A Cry for Innocence 2
    Untitled 1
    Time to change 1
    Envy 1
    Crumbling Fantasy 1
    Weakness and Pride 1
    Forever A Child 1
    Lonely Beach 1
    Escaping Reality 1
    Who is "Me" 2
    Drowning 1
    My Inner Beast 3
    First Love 1
    moving forward 1
    Final Blow 2