Fading Into Blackness


Fading Into Blackness

Everyday my heart fades to black

My mind is filled with hateful thoughts

I used to be so happy and full of light

But you have turned my light to blackness

I used to just be closed off

But now I’m closed off and mean

It used to be cuz be of insecurity

But I just hate everything

Why cant I be who I used to be

Why do I have to drown in this darkness

Will I be able to swim ashore

Or will I be stuck out here forever

Fading into the blackness

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rawpoetry commented on Fading Into Blackness


alot of poeple feels lkie this. at some tyme in there life...

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Dragon’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
My confession 1
How Can I Explain 1
Finding Of Your True Love 1
Fading Into Blackness 1
A Cry for Innocence 2
Untitled 1
Time to change 1
Envy 1
Crumbling Fantasy 1
Weakness and Pride 1
Forever A Child 1
Lonely Beach 1
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