Missing My Heart


Missing My Heart

Just thinking of you, it hurts so bad that your gone,
Smiling when my mind goes to old memories & crying when it comes back home,
I feel alone,
Like a broken hearted musician trying to write a love song,

But no love exist, it went away with your flesh,
Now I'm stuck here sulking, crying & trying to wonder what do have left,
My life was best with you, now I feel like I'm cursed,
This is not something that I anticipated, this is not something that I rehearsed,

I'm blessed with my life, but without you it doesn't feel right,
Its like all light has left my world & the only thing left is a cold & lonely night,
How much I try to get over you, tears continue to blurry my sight,

It’s like God damn I want to fight,
who? I don’t really know, but jus to release some of the tension out of my life,
The cold & lonely nights when id hold u in my arms,
Thinking in my head "I can't wait till our first baby is born",

But your gone, & I'm alone, & it hurts to think about your scent,
So sweet, like fresh vanilla, you had me so high & emotionally bent,
Now as I shit going thru your old things, that I tried so hard to ignore,
I found your pictures & your pink shirt, that I so highly adored,

So small & so old, but the smell is so truly fresh,
& as I gaze down at your photo, I see your golden crest,
This crest that I made...it was a symbol of our love,
So special it’s our initials right above two golden doves,

As these tears come, & totally drench my trembling face,
My breath starts to quicken, & my heart starts to race,
So hurt & alone, how the hell am I going to get by,
So hurt & alone, I wish I could fly,

Away from this pain, & this sorrow filled rain,
That's causing me so much stress & leaving traces in my brain,
I'm hurt & I don't know,
How longer I can go,

Feeling like this, I truly need some love,
when will I be blessed with a gift from above?

Written By Kilo....SRA

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

KILOSRA’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Who Am I? What Have I Become? 1
You Are Beautiful 1
Upon My Return 0
My Best Friend 0
Under The Moon 0
What's A Woman To A G (Pt 3 Of A Trilogy) 0
What's A G To A Woman (Pt 2 Of A Trilogy) 0
Live Your Life For You 0
You Waited 0
Damn I Loved Shortie 1
Dedication To The One I Can't Have 0
Love Lost 2
For You 0
Whos Worse; The Dealer Or The User? 0
To All My People 0
Listen Up Brothers 0
Missing My Heart 0
Dedication To The One That I Can't Have 0

KILOSRA’s Friends (1)