Minding for Gold


  • EinStud
  • I'm off break, and will be getting to the mail this week. Peace Out, Gary

Poem Commentary

I am on a quest. I know not everything, and I wish to discover. I made this poem up, in my usual style. But the challenge came when I decided to write it in a syle of a "Pushkin Sonnet".

I love Pushkin Poems.

The West has never heard of this poet, in general. Mainly because the West and the European East have been segregated (sp?), until today.

This poet (Pushkin) should be up there with Shakespeare, Whitman, and Poe (and then some).

I hope you will investigate.

Minding for Gold


Minding for Gold


There's a vein of gold

That runs through thought, imagination, and mind

The search can be long, the trail can grow cold

And forgotten words left behind


A random thought, a trivial plot

A couple of great lines, now forgot

The search for the rhyme,

Or just keeping in time


And when the words are set

And the paper with fill

Have we cast our true words, our own true will?

Are they the best words yet?


But that one sliver of gold, is the quest that we share

It speaks our thoughts, exact mental verbatim, so rare





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NevillePark commented on Minding for Gold


The song writing collective! Great evening of energy and a bonafide rush when it comes together. Is that the picture we're lookin' at here?



I think so. I really do. It is funny you bring out interpretation, because I always believe, "Each to his own". But when your interpretation spawns new thought inside of me, and is correct, am I allowed to keep it for my own?

Artie commented on Minding for Gold


I like how this is written, and what you wrote. It is a shared quest among all of us - 10 from me



I thank you for the points. I just want you to know also that I can handle a 1 or 0 too (is there a 0?). I am the one guy that can take it as well as give it. Often I give back a poem to the intruder of my pride (fyi). So do not fear of being brutally honest with me...

WordSlinger commented on Minding for Gold


The timeless poetic tattoo, that captures the poetic eye of me and you, great write, ty WS

jademelissa74 commented on Minding for Gold


You like Pushkin ha? I think he is well know, I would hope. He is known for creating a style of storytelling in mixing drama with romance. I like the guy :)) This is the first time I read your work. I appreciate the structure, you followed the 14-line verse form protocol, it usually haves one of several conventional rhyme schemes...good job there. At face value the content is vivid, it is thought-provoking and it can lead to many paths of discussion. I am not one to deceive a poet with the "GREAT" poem comments unless I really enjoy the lines and/or effort....You have shown talent and dedication. I enjoyed the visit and with that said....GREAT JOB! :))



Hey, Thanks for the uplifting comment. I might try more of this style. Your comment has helped me learn that Pushkin was into drama and romance, which seems like an avenue to explore!

EinStud commented on Minding for Gold


I should have put a period after "rare".

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

EinStud’s Poems (107)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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Rights without Wrongs 1 2
Which road leads to Heaven? 6
Lay the sleeping dog 1
Lyrics 1 2
Peeling back the years 4
Emotional Fact 1
Time Lost Gathering 1
Eternal Time 8
FIRE in nation! 1
Us 1
One Woman, One Voice 1
D013 Love innuendo 1
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Generation fire 2
Epoch flow ensnared 1
D012 Read to me once more 1
D011 Be first to fire 1
Courageous Patience 1
Recharge, a “Haikuku” by EinStud 1
EinStud Reviews 5
Tree's halo of leaves 1
Thankful Masquerade 3
Big Happy Birthday 1
The Griffin Moon 1
Avalon Cry Wolf! 1
FrankenStud 1
D010 The happiest life 2
D009 Did they even see? 1
D008 One shot for living 1
D007 Knowledge Unexposed 0
The Loving Beauty 2
...silence... 2
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Future Poetry 2
What is poetry? 2
Poetry is 2
D006 There's a time for rhyme 1
Where art thou Pink Floyd? 3
From nothing to never done 1
Abundant Delight 0
Fatcist 1-2-3 Trilogy 1
Fatcism Lives On 3
D005 I'm alive with love 1
D004 Kaleidescope Ride 1
D003 Warning Alerted! 0
I've had enough 1
Sea Love 0
Along the sea coast 0
I want to get Hi 3
D002 Let it all pour down 0
The Light Path, by EinStud 2
Letter to the poet 1
Jamaica'd be nice 2
D001 I'll share it with you 1
Catechize 0
Freedom 2010 1
Evidence of Cause 4
Another two kinds poem 6
The Dream 5
Who sees the lie? 4
We want answers 4
Homage to WordSlinger 3
small whIspeRS 1
Minding for Gold 7
I told you so 3
It's time 2
Art 2 2
Blind 3
Let the Standing Bear roam 7
Least Resistance 1
Light the Dark Side 1
Survivor 3
Sidetracked 1
Time 4
Psong 15 Nothing to give 1
Psong 13 1
She's a Vampire 8
Chance? 1
The Begending 2
Psong 10 Desire 0
Psong 9 0
Why are we here? 2
The Torch 1
Psong 18 2
While 0
Psong 11 0
Psong 14 2
Psong 12 2
It Shows 1
Frost Bit 0
Scare Me 1
Autumn People 1
Psong 8 1
Psong 7 2
Psong 6 1
Poetry 2
H8R 3
Be Leave 2
Poem 4 80bpm Who? 2
Poem 3 100bpm You're Wrong 1
Job Well Done 2
Imagine 1
EinStud 6
6. 2
People 0