Memories Made


Memories Made

Through out the years,

memories we made...

my sweet best friend,

sharing tears...

sharing dreams,

dreams that fade...

Why you had to go,

I will never know...

The life we shared,

things we went thru...

there was a time,

when we cared...

a life we knew,

the troubled times,

we got thru...

My sweet best friend,

when times get hard...

you see nothing but rain,

nothing but pain...

Look past the thunder,

look past the storm...

there's a rainbow waiting,

look for me....

and you will see...

look to the rainbow,

and you will know....

There is a love,

there is a friend...

someone to love,

someone to care...

a friend by your side,

standing by you...

no matter what...

life may put you thru...

My sweet best friend,

sharing dreams...

sharing fears...

love is always with you,

to share your tears...

Storms will come,

rains will fall...

the sun will shine,

look in the rainbows,

and you will find...

there's a love...

I'm always there,

waiting for you...

my sweet best friend,

waiting to be...

what you can't see,

I am here...

and always will be...



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RantoulGirlie78 commented on Memories Made


great piece, felt like it was a a piece of my life.

Bestkept commented on Memories Made


A heart felt piece, very nice good sir. I can deeply understand your vission.



Dang Bestkept, please don't call me sir! lol! I am old, well, older but being called me Roger, that's my real name! lol! I really enjoy our agreeing and agreeing to disagree at times. I'm a very honest person even tho I may side step some things at times not to hurt feelings. I just wrote "Take The Ride", I don't know where this stuff comes from, I was trying to do dishes and laundry at the time... I posted it, just a first draft but all I write is a first draft, it's very rare that I go back, revisit, and's things I feel at the time and the writing, good or bad, it's the raw me without polish...

oldgoat commented on Memories Made


The writing aint good...but there is more heart hidden in this that others will never know....

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

oldgoat’s Poems (52)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Jokers Child 0
Watch Out 0
Black Cat 0
Magic 0
My Window 0
My Gift 0
Frozen Tears 1
Homey 0
Go... 1
Take The Ride 1
Memories Made 3
Snow Angel 1
Last Ride 2
Reflections 2
Grandpa and Me 1
Old Tire Swing 2
New Life 1
Spirits In The Mist 2
A Walk In The Park 1
Lady Deep Freeze 2
Tail Lights 4
Waiting For Me 0
Path of Prayer 0
In Common 2
Nightmare or Dream 2
Mighty Little Bat 1
Marbles 2
Last First Kiss 1
Cupid's Fire 1
Blue Butterfly 1
Eight Legged Lady 2
Lady Bug 2
Guitar Strings 1
Knee That Bends 1
He Always Answers 1
Like A Mushroom 3
Talkin' To Me 1
A Kings Tale 2
White Water Dreams 1
Only A Man 1
Cup Of Birdseed 1
Black Dog 3
Flower Girl 2
Cold Outside 1
Sleep Talking 1
Sugar Coated Dreams 2
MY Script 1
Voices 2
Old Tire Swing 1
Passion 1
A Child Called Rain 4
Naked Beauty 2