Loving A Married Man


Loving A Married Man

The airplane was late; one hour they announced the wait.
At the food cafe I first notice her smile; the year was 1988!Her warm and friendly eyes I could not mistake.
I had to know if she was free to give to me a chance to see.

If I could be her secret admirer, I’d say whatever she needed me to say.
I have lived in fear and such distain with  airports waiting for the plane.
Her cold and stern look, displayed a demeanor cold and hard.
But what she said was more stunning! Sir are you talking to me?


I was about to be drilled by an expert to the third degree; Yes, madam those questions are from me.
Did you not recently traveled over seas?
She replied, 'Yes, I did, Sir. '; my schedule you wish to see
Her voice was like music and honey sweet, already she had me beat.


Quite a strategist, was she trying to get a laugh from me?
My lady you are a sight to behold, I guess you see me as much to old.
'Is not that just a little excessive, you see as I am only twenty-three.
That brought a laugh to the lady and to me.
It was an accomplished task you see; this lady that excited me.


No, sir, not me, age is only a number; I'll let that be.
The lives of family I would not threatened them, sir
You see there is a golden circle on your left ring finger that I see.
Then came the question, are you married sir?
Oh the ring, is that possibly scaring you? I can take it off, if you wish.
I awaited her reply, At this point the lady tried to repeat
Married you are sir; You have a ring of gold, I see.

A couple nearby laughed at my lame attempt; as she continued.
Sir, if it were up to me, I would recommend that you stay fateful to your vow.
Don't let your words be formed to eliminate your guilt.

A man emerged from the door in the rear.
Is this man bothering you with ill attempt to gain your favor?
She disagreed with his reproach; it was all a bit of humor  I savored you see.
This man has captured humor, and imprisoned her, she say.

A part of my life since 1972 'tis all a game you see.
To pass the time, ‘tis game we play; aware of this fact he seemed confuse.
I introduced myself to him and was thus identified.


If you agree that loving a married man is wrong, pass this message on.
But first get all the facts; tonight I made the lady glad.
Seven years strong our love had so last now it is iron clad,.
This is how we keep it light and have laughter so strong.

Be aware of this truth, nothing is lost in this hidden fact.
And all this news will awaken you that all be made aware.
This has been our best-kept secret; it is alive and moving
A living legend to doubting bystanders; we are removing.

Our prayers go out to friends and families too.
we are all prisoners of love; you must know it's true.
Obviously this is my lady and my dear wife.
Thus, I introduce my wife and myself to all of you.
So glad to meet you and how do all of you do?

Copyright CatsMeow 2009         

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Worthless commented on Loving A Married Man


Forgive me, I'm just alittle retarded.. But I take it you were married before and this women you met while you were married the first time and then you got divorced and married her? I don't know. Or is it just a story..

cmlestrade commented on Loving A Married Man


Wonderful story a few awkward parts but overall a very nice effort



Thank you. I appreciate your comment.

Sempersperans commented on Loving A Married Man


An ingenious ending , wrought from a suspenseful narrative ! Emotionally excellent , the flow is slightly impeded by some grammatical awkwardness --the poet's brain moves faster than her fingers on the keys, perhaps ? I look forward to reading more from this writer ! Sempersperans



Thank you for your review. I am a Southern girl and that may throw you off a bit.

StandingBear commented on Loving A Married Man


A well written work with great storytelling effect. Great write.



Thank you StandingBear!

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

CatsMeow’s Poems (38)