If Only A Poems Would Help This Day


If Only A Poems Would Help This Day

If I write a poem or sing a song
It’ s all the same to me, and you?
If words can fly I'd reach the sky.
And ease my pain of the question why.
I share with you the pain within.
Hidden, unspoken, unsung words,
be born again.


Straight paths are spoken of so eloquently,
When by others who wear that golden crown.
As for  me, its not yet seen, so pardon as I say.
Of lands far away, in poems that speak aloud,
There truths lie just beyond my reach.


Powerful, speech I have yet to know
Some poets says it well, maybe, I too?
Who can compare the words I use  to
Those that have the magic touch and
Who can write a poem and say it there.

If words sang the song of gladness true?
an words also show pain when blue?
oy shared as well as sorrows too,
Earth persons understand the poet's rhyme,
When words written well, are just in time

Having comfort, joy and gladness too
I reach out to someone, maybe you?
If only to share a word, a rhyme or two.
I get relief and I'm overly joyous true.


As you read these inadequate words.
I'm overwhelmed that you took the time
I thought it could not have been done.
But in writing this today, I had some fun.

If I lose my mind, later on, at least
You'll know what I have done.
Taken time to share a bit of grey.
During the setting sun on this one day.

Writing helps me bear my sad mood today.
I really have a lot to say, thank you for reading
The written word, a poem you say? 
I say help, and for hope I pray
That poetry brightens my sad and lonely day. 


Copyright © January 1, 2010 CatsMeow, All Rights Reserved.

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cmlestrade commented on If Only A Poems Would Help This Day


This was very nice. it's nice to have a format where we can share those emotions we can't always express in words to others. have many blessed days in 2010



Thank you muchm Cmlestrade. We try don't we? God bless you and yours too. As Christians, we cannot move off God's chosen path without first closing our mind and heart to His truth and His call on our lives. God promise us a rainbow, but not without some rain.. Thanks Terazzah

WordSlinger commented on If Only A Poems Would Help This Day


I like it allot , smile, it looks poetic on ya, ty WS



You are too knid. But I appreciate, the read and your comment. Are you enjoying the new format?

Hampton commented on If Only A Poems Would Help This Day


This is a wonderful poetic creation that flows like a song. Yiou should be very proud of your work.



Hampton you are always so inspiring, I appreciate your time and comment., Thanks!

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

CatsMeow’s Poems (38)