Gabriella’s Her Name


Gabriella’s Her Name



A favorite cheese of Rachel Ray,

She heard of a girl who didn’t like her show.

No one knows her yet or believes her – hello!

Gabriella’s her name, cooking’s her claim.


Algarrobilla helps her get a tan,

But doesn’t help her claim to fame.

Or cause Rachel’s Ray untold shame,

She didn’t out cook anyone today,

Or substantiate that claim to fame.


I just wanted Gabriella to know,

Rachel Ray never took a blow.

Cooking shows are no game.

Take care now Gabriella’s if that

Is really is your name.


Do let it get you down, my child.

There’s room for two to swirl,

In all you do, give God the glory,

Be it cooking a real throw down,

Or proudly giving Mozzarella a whirl.


© 2010 CatsMeow.

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Papa commented on Gabriella’s Her Name


Rachel Ray I think is gay, but this I do not know. She spends too much time being masculine and drinking EVO. liked the poem.



Thanks Papa, You are cleaver. I have been in another world mentally,Thepast three monrhs, thus no poetry lately.. I need inspiraton, instead of family probems..LOL

cmlestrade commented on Gabriella’s Her Name


I loved this poem and I don't care for Rachel Ray's show though I think she is a very talented cook with very creative ideas. This is so cute. You must be a very creative cook yourself and how true ,God gets all the glory.



Thank you, so much for reading this nothing type of a poem...

BringMeBullets commented on Gabriella’s Her Name


Ha ha. How neat. You are a creative writer, and that's a good thing for sure. I like this poem because it's different. Like Chickity China, the Chinese Chicken. You have talent. Hold onto that. :)



It's a silly poem.. I was in that mood. I never thought anyone would actually read it.. Thanks for your comment.LOL

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

CatsMeow’s Poems (38)