Analyzing A Poem, You Gave It A Four


Poem Commentary

Wrtitten for the poet who had a score of four, as he scold me for that little score of four. I have been teaching myself how to how to really appreciate and understand poems and how to best analyze and write a fair critique of each poem. All poetry is subjective so I try to be constructive and positive.

Analyzing A Poem, You Gave It A Four

 In poetry, a stanza is a unit within a larger poem, it glisten.                                 
This is what I have to say, but you don't have to listen.
If I wrote a poem today and you critiqued it as a four.
And in your heart you felt the poem warranted much more.
I wish the reader would just see the way I want them too.
I longed for a higher score, and didn’t my poem give the clue?
What does it take to get the words to flow like I intend.
Maybe it’s in the reading that the poem does not transcend.


From poetic words of joy to the arms of the great pretend.
Maybe it’s in the reading of poems that lacks that finish touch.
Writing a poem is observing my world from my hidden crutch.
I write about things from love to the crusty rust of old gates.
I asked myself, what’s a poet to do, to get a better score?
For if my friends, were good to me, I’ll have a winner's roar.


And even more, in winning, wow, I’d wipe my Sweaty brow
Inspired to get a higher score, I will become so adored,
I’ll write greater poems for you to enjoy, them when you score
If a poem scores a ten, I’ll feel compelled to keep a good rapport.


What the poets needs now is love and of course a better score.
Speaking as a motivated poet in the winner’s seat I’d better roar.
All poets give a yell or two, for what we all have done.
What does it take to get the words to flow and not get shun.


Just what ever you do just don’t doom my poem to hell.
In a very friendly kind of way, say what’s on your mind, oh well.
In a private message, my dear you say, it in an email. 
You liked it very much, as you give it another four, I’m assailed.
What inspired you to open up that old criticizing door?
I smiled, I looked at those words, the room started to slightly dim.


The flutter of butterflies in my stomach won’t let words flow.
The smallest things, would cheers me up or didn't you know?
By giving me a rose or two or a cyber an ecard would do.
Sometimes all it takes is just a smile to change somebody’s day.
The feeling behind motivating, no one knows what is that glue.
The dramatized in a poem, what conflicts or theme does it presents.
What world' is the poem set in, does it deserve more content?

Does the ruthless editing of every cliché-ridden verse, show
I've got rhythm but is scoring a writer’s bad luck or a writer’s curse
Could contrasts and comparisons between each verse facilitate a coo.
The comparisons between these sets informs the reader throughout.
The read would be a delight and give a score to any poet’s delight.


Look at the meaning of the poem, is it obvious or not?
That the main idea of the poem was kinda all left out?
In consistent images, metaphors and similes of the poet's tools throughout?
I read this poem, appreciate, understand & analyze it without a doubt?
Or what does it say about juxtaposes, do they evoke the readers readily?
Are the values and basic ideals of the world, are they truly expressed?

Verse four takes on a whole new form as far as the syllabic pattern goes.
Now that I understand those terms, I read aloud and let it flows.
Sometimes all it takes is just a smile, to make the poet day, when it rough.
Emotions show conflicts introduced, sustained, and resolved stuff.
Using words that draw you into our precious world, it helps one evolves.
As the reader feel compelled to read aloud, the poem has re-birth.

I write about things from my world from the crusty rusted old gates.
I asked you now, what’s a poet to do, to get a better score?
Think as you critique a poem or two, I’ll have a winner’s roar,
Or you can read aloud and laugh at it when giving me a score of four.

Copyright © 01-10-2010 CatsMeow. All Rights Reserved

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cmlestrade commented on Analyzing A Poem, You Gave It A Four


Scoring poetry is so subjective. What one loves is another's persons bile. If we were all to rate poems on an entirely technical basis, most of us would have two or less. never worry about the rating your poem receives. Instead how it makes you feel is most important. I have always worried about beauty contest when 50 or more women go forth and let others judge them on poise personality looks and talent. To me that is so silly. How does one judge an opera singer against a jazz dancer. Who has the most poise, the woman who can answer what her favorite recipe is or give her views on capital punishment. Are brunettes more attractive than blondes. Is a D cup better than a B cup. It is all subjective. is a sonnet better than a Haiku. This is a great sight for sharing and learning and let's hope nobody gets crushed in the process. Now brutal and merciless is my writers group but they helped me grow over the past few years.



I know that there is no better time than RIGHT NOW to be happy. I realize that my whole life has been a journey toward happiness and not a final destination. I love sharing Romans 8:38 "I AM more than a conqueror through Christ" Here I am attempting to celebrate life as "The Me I always Wanted to Be." Thank you for your kind comments: Touché the whole thing was about someone else’s poem that I rated lower than they felt it should be. The research has helped me.

SavVySam commented on Analyzing A Poem, You Gave It A Four


First, I love your looks like my cat! This poem does hit upon so much of what is involved in reading and rating work. How does one maintain the highest level of honesty when a read is solicited, while still being encouraging. Understanding that for some this is just an outlet. Nice work



Thanks for encouraging me. This site has helped me a lot..

GentleT commented on Analyzing A Poem, You Gave It A Four


I agree with SBear's comment. Seems we all reach for the words that will touch, inspire, enlighten, or brighten the reader's mind.



Thanks T, It is much appreciated..

StandingBear commented on Analyzing A Poem, You Gave It A Four


An absolutely great work, covering all the ramifications pertaining to reading, understanding, and rating a poem. Great write!



Thanks bear, I appreciate the read..

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

CatsMeow’s Poems (38)