It Could Have Been Us


  • Love
    • suzystars
    • is in love with life and all the creatures who roam the world

    It Could Have Been Us

    Just think if we could have met years ago The things we'd have that we
    could say and show

    The children created would be yours and mine Instead of 'his' and 'hers'
    we share at this time

    Our children we visit by setting a time and place While the other mom and
    dad throw that in our face

    Our house would have been a home we made together But now we share a
    place created by stormy weather

    Happy and in love which could have been before But nobody knows what
    life has in store

    Take time to look around, be content where you are It could have been
    you and me, arguing from afar

    It wasn't our time to be together back when For those things we created
    between now and then

    Would never have existed for us to love and share Things happen for a
    reason, takes time to prepare

    The love we found was our time to be It brought the life we now
    share, between you and me

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    KingHostile commented on It Could Have Been Us


    "Things happen for a reason, takes time to prepare" Oh how very right you are,the lives we lead tend to reek with 20 20 hindsight. Sad but we all must face and learn these truths.

    tierra7 commented on It Could Have Been Us


    beautifully written, my favorite line was "Take time to look around, be content where you are It could have been you and me, arguing from afar " there's mighty power in that!! great write ...after my homework i am comin' back to read more. God Bless You and yours....T-7

    Clementinewoods commented on It Could Have Been Us


    This poem is beautifully written!!! Sometimes we may think that we have found true love, only to later realize that it really wasn't true love after all. But if by chance Mr. or Ms. Right comes along, then we are truly blessed; therefore we need to hold on tight, with all our might and never let go. Thanks for sharing such a well written poem, and may you and yours be forever blessed, Clementine !!!

    optimistic commented on It Could Have Been Us


    The fate and time has its place for love, love hurts even more when faced with a old loved one that you had kids by. The poem was great slow visible to the pain and great ending on what was to come.



    We are where we are because we did choose to be there. Thank you

    JadedJezzabel commented on It Could Have Been Us


    touching that at the later years of life LOVE is still so very important......its true had you met earlier you may not have made it

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    suzystars’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Miracles 1
    No Rhyme or Reason 1
    Christmas on the Water 1
    Sun lights Shade 1
    The Eagle Beagle 0
    Special Gifts For You 1
    It Could Have Been Us 5
    The Spirit of a Native American 3
    Life 2
    Our President, America, and Baseball 2
    Happy Easter 1
    Pillow Thoughts 4
    Dust To Dust 1