

  • Passion


    To weep in silence as night decays
    Worries flutter into dreams displayed
    Memories form of indulgence past
    Relative gospels that expel our chaste
    Our own innate true self being
    A testimony on what is to be
    Frequent strays on intellects end
    Foreboding dialect’s transcending grins
    A derelicts flirtatious reformed accreditation
    Perpetrating dreams circuitous elucidation
    Finished liberties rights exhibitions
    To perpetuate all life’s ambitions
    Haltering on wild fortuitous defiance
    Sleep talk creates honest preponderance
    Twilights moons pending great intuition
    Star-studded revolutions prized direction
    Intellects rules the thought which is life
    Delivered by Philosophical strife
    Here by days break to night
    Gathered ration pending might
    Virtue depicts a path which is right
    Dissecting a vow held on high
    To truth, To trust, To honor shall be
    Forever held highest in my creed

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    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    bcxc’s Poems (13)

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    Translations Sought 1
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