The years of Wandering Share


The years of Wandering Share

Dear Friends,
This is a poem for all my blunders, mistakes, and failures, digressions, stubbornest and rebel stage. For my successes, identity, belief, and virtue. To my friends, loved ones, and teachers thus the same, ready this in joy for I have truly found my way.....

For there are many times I always hold true,
Been since I waver I can still fall through.
Even though it still seems too late,
I can always still find my way.
This may take a few years of wandering,
While I am still out there floundering,
All the gifts that have been given to me,
These mistakes never seem to cease.
Then a new light has shown through
A brilliant scheme of life seems anew.
Fresh as a news days breeze,
Its seems now i can finally see.
Blinding as it may seem,
My wavering came to cease.
And always true I will be,
For my base has become complete.

Written by: Matt Scarlett

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WordSlinger commented on The years of Wandering Share


I love when the new light shines thru

origionalmerlin commented on The years of Wandering Share


seems you will do ok on that path matt

origionalmerlin commented on The years of Wandering Share


seems you will do ok on that path matt

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

bcxc’s Poems (13)

Title Comments
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A True Friend 1
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America the Great 1
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The years of Wandering Share 4