A True Friend


  • Friendship

    A True Friend

    Honor starts a trend bestowed
    Friends and peers forever hold
    The true story for which to tell
    A book of life retained in self
    Do not let pride detain
    Thoughtless counts of gold sustained
    Hearts of warmth and joy create
    An endless world that jubilates
    A shout to hero’s create a vault
    Shaped with valor forever halt
    Uncertainties that created fault
    Impurities fought and sought
    For we have such a bond
    It makes all go to life beyond
    This a true kin will be
    Forever hold a brother in thee

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    WordSlinger commented on A True Friend


    Absolutely Great

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    bcxc’s Poems (13)

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    Translations Sought 1
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    LIfe's Chapters 0
    The Perfect Storm 0
    A True Friend 1
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