Translations Sought


  • Angst

    Translations Sought

    Poetic trends disputing ominous poetic ends
    Freedom writes as idolized characters die
    Justice served honors a memories worth
    Deserving ears create charismatic tears
    Displaying doubt haunts forsaken vows
    Time ticks as liberty slips
    Doctrines fold as fear sets hold
    Waving flags show an established past
    Clashing waves simulate political ways
    Holding true virtues need abused
    Reality hides behind dreaming eyes
    A figures stands to humor an advisories grim
    Animosity dilates life’s bold plan
    Etched in stone carved by heart
    World renowned adhering a governing spark
    Seeping chapters of an ancient start
    Foretold ruins that explain the dark
    Headstrong ideals forever halt
    Justices courted by translations defaults
    Dividing continents now to consolidation
    Forever bringing a remembrance quotation
    One to all and all to one
    A Simple spark now social succumbs
    At best be derailed to halt
    On individualism's responsibilities taught
    Through families not institutional thought

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    scrye commented on Translations Sought


    I loved this poem and am going to add it to my own book of favorite poems. Keep writing I'm completely immersed.

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    bcxc’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
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    A Loves Profound 0
    Translations Sought 1
    Insight 0
    LIfe's Chapters 0
    The Perfect Storm 0
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    Duality 1
    The Prayer 3
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    The Castle 2
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