I'm waiting


  • cheezchic
  • Lead with your soul and be proud for some have not even a heart

Poem Commentary

Just a letter to the man who loves me, and wants only me, but lets fear stop what his heart feels. So we still just send msg via email, but have yet to meet up again. My heart feels both love and sadness. I've chosen to wait for him. I know he is the one, I know my patience is being tested, I shall continue to pray and let God join us in His time....

I'm waiting

My dearest D,
  I can still remember our first meeting. We were both so giddy and nervous, but fate has no boundaries. I remember the almost "serve yourself" coffee shop we started our chatting at. The romantic walk to the lighthouse that was closed! The chance you took being in the bar just to spend more time together even though you could have gotten arrested!  The crappy game of pool I played, and by the way I bet I still suck! I remember you didn’t want to leave, but needed to get home to be the wonderful father you are. I called you Ranger Rick that day, because of your khaki clothes, and we laughed. Meetin you was, and still is magical for me. I knew I had found someone very special that I wanted to get to know and love. I hold in my heart so many beautiful memoriesof us. Harley rides overlooking such spectacular scenery. I loved the day spent on Hawthorne Street looking at secret places, the quaint lunch, and how you kept looking for me in the crowd, afraid I would get separated from you. So many beautiful places and I want to see more with you. I loved meeting your family and how they were so welcoming to me. It felt like they knew we were meant for each other. I still dream of more to come with you. I so vividly see us making each other laugh, holding each other, just being together, and yes someday making love again if you want to. The taste of your sweet kisses still lingers on my lips to this day. I see your eyes searing right into my very soul and burnt into my soul is your name forever. I can still feel your love wrapped around me like a warm blanket. You are my Viking, I feel completely safe when I am with you. I remember the tears you shed for me. "thanking me for coming back to you"; it was at that moment I knew I was completely in love with you and wanted to share the rest of my life with the most amazing man I could have ever wished for. You’re everything I am not and yet we are so much alike. It is this perfect combination that has made our love last. I love that crooked smile you have with the sweetest cherry red lips. I love the way you bite your bottom lip when you look into my eyes.  I love your soft brown eyes, their so beautiful and I see such love for me in them. I love how gentle your touch feels on my skin and the way you would caress my face telling me how beautiful I am. I love how you always made me feel special to you. I love how you would run your hands through my hair. I love how I know I can trust you to be faithful and true to me. I can only hold faith, that inside your heart, you will someday see how much I truly love you and only you and want to be your best friend and the woman of your dreams, the woman you trust with your heart. The woman who wants to do whatever it takes to make you feel cherished. I miss you so much Damon. You are always on my mind, you’re in my dreams while I sleep and I day dream of you when I’m awake. I long for the day that I hear you say;
“I’m ready to try again my love”.  
I guess that’s what I miss the most, just having the honor of being your girlfriend and knowing I have the best guy in the world.
"I got SuperMan"
For now, I shall continue to dream, with the hopes that,
"dreams really do come true". I've always loved you. 

My Love Forever

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

cheezchic’s Poems (81)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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Earths Beauty 1
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Finding Love 2
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