Original Poetry Forums

Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

12-13-2010 at 05:15:56 AM

Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

ApaqRasgirl aka Asha is in the hospital and very sick, she could use our prayers and support. Asha is such a bright light and positive force on OP and such a great friend to many here on OP, let us come together insupport in her time of need and send our best wishes and prayers her way... Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace and humility ANGEL

12-13-2010 at 06:48:20 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Me and Maddi have you in our prayers kiddo, rest.
and as soon as you know, you'll be back sing carols with us.

John E and Maddi

12-13-2010 at 07:01:46 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Asha, anyone who knows you, knows your great strength will pull you through! Peace and love!

12-13-2010 at 07:26:59 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Just in case Divine Intervention will make a difference, I'm pleading that for you. Harv

12-13-2010 at 07:50:45 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

My dear friend Asha, I have been praying for you morning noon and night. I will be there for you in a few hours and I wont squeeze too tightly but I am going to give you a hug and for now rest my beautiful friend. Stay off the computer!! Hugz

12-13-2010 at 08:12:22 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Asha, I'm sending all my good vibes and light your way for a speedy recovery. Love & Hugs! (Caryn, give her a real hug for me please... these long distance ones don't work so well)

12-13-2010 at 08:42:05 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

I'm in tears at reading this . Though I'm new here Asha reached out to me in a way that has had a profound effect on me , she will be in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery . Please keep us posted ..Lena

12-13-2010 at 09:00:06 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

PRAYERS IN FULL CIRCLE, for our friend, Asha!! May you regain your health. I'll be saying extra prayers for you.........

12-13-2010 at 09:09:00 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

I just heard you were in the hospital, Asha. I pray for a swift and full recovery for you, dear friend. The world of poetry is much more beautiful when your pen is in use, so I look forward to seeing you writing again soon. *hugs*

12-13-2010 at 10:37:55 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

I send the cleansing power of this chant to you:

lam, vam, ram, yam, ham, om
earth, water, fire, air, space, eternity.

Health, Happiness, and Harmony,

PS. the "am" is pronounced "um" as in rum.

12-13-2010 at 10:58:18 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Angel, thank you for this information....

Asha ~
I send thoughts of healing and strength to you....

Caryn ... how special that we have an inhouse PoetFriend on the way...
please give our Asha an extra hug from me...
tell her that her SusanFriend in California is throwing big, round, warm nerd-nerf hugs, instead of snowballs, at her screen today...

Love and Love and lots of caring...

12-13-2010 at 11:19:14 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Smiles, blessings, chants and hugs ... I don't care which or all that work, OP will miss you until your return, get well soon kcool smile

12-13-2010 at 01:03:22 PM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

thank you everyone for you comments and support, asha has been reading the comments from her lab top in the hospital. My mom is on her way to visit her in the hospital as I am writing this and will give an update as soon as I know more information is available. So please keep the prayers and good vibes coming, they work! Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace adnd humility ANGEL

12-13-2010 at 11:16:13 PM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

went to go visit asha myself with my wife and three kids, she is very sick but doing better and in stable condition. She has a bad case of COPD Bronchitis and has some fluid buildup in her lungs, possibly a touch of pneumonia. Hopefully she should be getting out in a few days or so, will keep everyone aprised. She told me to tell everyone tha she so appreciates everyone's prayers and support so please keep them coming! Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace and humility ANGEL

12-14-2010 at 12:11:36 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

My friend, Asha……..please get well soon……..we need you here.
My hopes and wishes, for a quick recovery, go out to you in big bunches.

12-14-2010 at 12:48:30 AM

RE: RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Originally Posted by angel33614

went to go visit asha myself with my wife and three kids, she is very sick but doing better and in stable condition. She has a bad case of COPD Bronchitis and has some fluid buildup in her lungs, possibly a touch of pneumonia. Hopefully she should be getting out in a few days or so, will keep everyone aprised. She told me to tell everyone tha she so appreciates everyone's prayers and support so please keep them coming! Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace and humility ANGEL

Thank you Angel for keeping us posted . Give her our love when you talk with her next

12-14-2010 at 02:39:37 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Asha - a candle is lite for you my dear;
and when I lite it I said a prayer.
It began with Namaste Dear Lord;
Please grant her comfort and health restored

May you soon be feeling well knowing your adored!

12-14-2010 at 02:45:04 AM

RE: RE: RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Originally Posted by LenaM

Originally Posted by angel33614

went to go visit asha myself with my wife and three kids, she is very sick but doing better and in stable condition. She has a bad case of COPD Bronchitis and has some fluid buildup in her lungs, possibly a touch of pneumonia. Hopefully she should be getting out in a few days or so, will keep everyone aprised. She told me to tell everyone tha she so appreciates everyone's prayers and support so please keep them coming! Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace and humility ANGEL

Thank you Angel for keeping us posted . Give her our love when you talk with her next

Angel thanks for being a Guardian Angel. We appreciate you keeping us posted and being there for our special friend Asha!

12-14-2010 at 04:31:22 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

I was pming some folks inviting them to leave posts; get well wishes for Asha and then I noticed and read a beautiful poem by Angelchaser

"A prayer in six hiakus for Asha" I hope folks will stop by and give it a read; it's such a lovely and thoughtful poem!


Asha - We love ya, get well Dear!

12-14-2010 at 07:54:07 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Our dear friend Asha is nearer then we think! With her laptop still on op!! This talented poet and very special friend is seeing us all as we read and type. lol She is a true trooper and I see her ill yet I see her endurance. Hoping she will be out soon for the holiday coming, her beau is with her, steadfast and true. He so reminds me of her, projects strength and light with a heart of gold. And I am not speaking of gold overlay. Pure and beautiful they both. As we chatted about op, she had read my poem for Mindnumbing and shared how she corrects her grammar which I thought how sweet my friend Michelle is as I knew all along. And Michelle, she really appreciates you!! I left her in good hands, my son was due to come at any moment. A bit of a ride for him but none the less I felt warm out in the frigid air as Pauly shut me into my car and gave me a wave goodbye. I do believe her illness is not one to clear up and reside. Her's is a progressive one and I say to all, thanks for all your reads to her as her recovery is you all!! Hugzcool smileexcaimexcaimexcaim

12-14-2010 at 08:05:34 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Thank you so much to Angel and Caryn for the updates. All my positive energy is being directed Asha's way...

12-14-2010 at 09:57:36 AM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Hi Ashaexcaim
get well soonexcaimsmile
....coz OP land and your friends need you so muchexcaim

12-14-2010 at 06:18:40 PM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

To give all who are following our dear friend Asha's recovery, she is sounding a bit better. She has still a ways to go but I am praying she will be out for the weekend. I am sure her recovery will take a while. Let us keep praying as they are working!!!

12-14-2010 at 07:23:58 PM

RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Dear Asha,

You are in my prayers. Get well, soon!

Much love,


12-15-2010 at 09:35:49 AM

RE: RE: Prayers needed for our dear friend Asha aka AqaqRasgirl

Originally Posted by carynontherhine

To give all who are following our dear friend Asha's recovery, she is sounding a bit better. She has still a ways to go but I am praying she will be out for the weekend. I am sure her recovery will take a while. Let us keep praying as they are working!!!

Doc came in to visit last night, Her COPD and PNEUMONIA are both very deeply embedded and are fighting to hang on. it will be at least a few more days but my girl will be home with me before the big Christmas thing...

Many thanks to J and Donna for coming by to visit her in the hospital (Sorry That I had to get home and couldn't have stayed to be there too) and Thanks to Caryn for the wonderful visit. I will see you there again today.


Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.