Original Poetry Forums

Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

12-02-2010 at 12:19:57 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

I love the challenge and would love to come up with something in time. That being said, my vote would have to go to Kmooney's contribution. What a delight!:

Originally Posted by kmooney

12-02-2010 at 02:12:01 AM

RE: RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by jeanpnkldyg

I love the challenge and would love to come up with something in time. That being said, my vote would have to go to Kmooney's contribution. What a delight!:

Originally Posted by kmooney

thank you dear for your vote, but this is not a competition. We will be gathering as many Christmas poems as we can get, enough to fill 200 pages. The book to be sold to help needy children........lol

12-02-2010 at 06:12:19 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

ok maybe we need an artist, Im seeing a white child, dressed in army clothes, and a black child, toy guns are on the floor, and they are reading out of books, and with expessions of happiness, and one looking at the book, on looking at the other.
and on the books it says poetry. Or mulitple kids...
This is for the back of the book.
Can some one help Dano out, please...

Last edited by WordSlinger 12-02-2010 at 06:17:07 AM

12-02-2010 at 08:01:41 AM
  • Londo
  • Londo
  • Posts: 173

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

This one was written by my father (deceased), and appears in the book: G. R. Grover & Sons Anthology © 2009 Xlibris

Dur Little Fur Cap
Garald R. Grover (circa 1945)
© Lon H. Grover

Der next night vas Christmas
Und der house it vas still
Der stockings vas hung
By der chimney to fill

Not a creature vas stirring
Not a soul in der house
For fear dat Saint Nicholas
Next come to dere house

Der childrens vas dried
Und put in dere beds
Und Ma in her nightgown
Und I go aheads

Vas searching in
Der closet for toys
Und being real quiet
So as not to make noise

Now der momma has got all der toys
Held up in her nightgown
Und is showing herself
From vay up to her vaist und down

When we go by der bed
Of our vee little boy
(Our youngest und sveetest
Our pride und our joy)

Wit his eyes vide open
He peeks up from der cot
Und he sees everything
Dat his mother has got

But he never did notice
Der toys in her lap
He just says
“For who is der little fur cap?”

Und his momma says, “Hush now!”
Und laughs with delight
“I think I’ll give dat
To der papa tonight.”

12-02-2010 at 08:06:12 AM
  • Londo
  • Londo
  • Posts: 173

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

A Letter To Santa
Londo 12-16-09

Deer Santa,

Hi, my name is Paul.
I’m sory I mist you at the mall.
I cudnt come cuse I’ve ben ill.
I had to take a grate big pill.

Heres my list. For my lbowls and neesils
I need some pads cuse I gots the meesils
My mom says that’s why my back has welts
I think its cuse she hits me with belts

But I also fall down a lot
And touch the oven when its hot
Oh, and a helmit. One that fits me
It reely hurts when she hits me

She gets mad when she drinks her juse
She tauks kinda funny and her eyes look loose
I try to hid but she finds my place
Then she hits me in the face

Growing up in this house is pretty tuff
I try to fite back but I’m not big enuff
If you bring just one gift for a boy whos four
Bring a big nife, so she wont hurt me anymore

12-02-2010 at 09:23:59 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

a letter from santa

dear boys and girls
thank you for the treats
when traveling the world
i get so hungry

but the cookies and the fudge
and the candy that you leave
makes it easy enough
to get through my journey

ive watched you all with care
seeing whos bad and good
with open hearts you share
like good boys and girls should

underneath your trees
ive left you toys and gifts
all the things youll need
to lift your spirits

the twinkle in your eyes
and smiles on your face
moments caught in time
which nothing can erase

seems this year your lists were long
ive brought you what i could
besides you know you cant go wrong
knowing youve been good

just keep in mind the things you got
and be thankful for the few
while some children got alot
others got less than you

take the time to thank your moms
and give your dads a hug
sing with them a christmas song
merry christmas ... from santa with love

dano 12 2 10

12-02-2010 at 12:31:40 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Thank you to all my poet friends and family who have contributed to a needy cause for children...God bless all of you..........love asha...Namaste

12-02-2010 at 01:33:24 PM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

ok maybe we need an artist, Im seeing a white child, dressed in army clothes, and a black child, toy guns are on the floor, and they are reading out of books, and with expessions of happiness, and one looking at the book, on looking at the other.
and on the books it says poetry. Or mulitple kids...
This is for the back of the book.
Can some one help Dano out, please...

That is a fantastic vision John, but I am afraid the art drawing aspect I will have to leave to others......I can do photos and manipulate the images but raw art is escapes me everytime.......lol.........Maybe Dano can do one without to much trouble............or we can do like you did and put out a call for other artists to come help...........rolleyesrolleyes

12-02-2010 at 03:17:44 PM

RE: RE: RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

thank you dear for your vote, but this is not a competition. We will be gathering as many Christmas poems as we can get, enough to fill 200 pages. The book to be sold to help needy children........lol[/quote]

Of course my vote is mute! Just wanted to express my delight with this! Godspeed with the project! cool smile

12-02-2010 at 05:34:39 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

12-03-2010 at 10:00:01 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

Last edited by cousinsoren 12-03-2010 at 10:09:51 AM

12-03-2010 at 10:01:42 AM

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by jeanpnkldyg

thank you dear for your vote, but this is not a competition. We will be gathering as many Christmas poems as we can get, enough to fill 200 pages. The book to be sold to help needy children........lol

Of course my vote is mute! Just wanted to express my delight with this! Godspeed with the project! cool smile[/quote]

oh good grief darling, of course you vote is not mute, sorry dear if I offended you in any way.....it was my mistake, I just thought you had confused this with a competition......I am so, so sorry if what I said hurt your feelings.......you can make any comments you want about any of the posts here dear.....please come back and if you have a Christmas poem please feel free to add it to all these other wonderful poems that has been donated so far...........I am truly sorry my friend........love asha...Namastered facered facered face

12-03-2010 at 10:11:25 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

hey John, Dano......I had this wonderful idea for the back cover in a dream last night......see John what you have started........lol...........now I have got to see if I can pull out of my head and get it on paper to make sense so you can see........

well here is a brief idea of the dream.....
following J, concept of children playing on the street.....kids of different origin both with a small bundle of books tied on a rope. walking to school on a snowy street, one kid on one side of the street the other on the opposite side.....they stop and walk out past the parked cars to meet each other face on in the street......set their books down and the letters of the binding on one book could clearly be read......it's a poetry book........they eye each other then both roll up a big snow ball and each takes aim and fires at the other.......the one who hits the other first gets to read out a verse of poetry, then the other plays along.........anyway in the dream it was much better............

Fight for a cause
Load up your snowballs kids
Best aim gets the verse............hummmmmm well anyway.....still working on that part........lol

crazy dreams......ggrinssstongue winktongue rolleyetongue laughred facered face

12-03-2010 at 11:25:56 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Asha, just a thought, we may need 2 versions of the same book.
One as we are leading too, and here this one
The Mr & Mrs Claus Edition, the same book, but at the back
of the book, it will have more of an adult theme, because I see poems
that have more of that theme, so what do you think?

12-03-2010 at 11:31:43 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

well I think that maybe a good idea,,,,,,two books one based on poems with kids in mind and the other with adult themes........yes that could work......but lets see first how many and what kind of entries we get. Then we can go through them and pick out ones to match each theme and ones that match both themes can be in both books......it will all depend on the number and types of entries we gather from our poet family.........it will take some time but I feel that we will be getting a lot of submission over the next couple weeks........love asha

12-03-2010 at 11:35:38 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Dear OP family,
Please remember to try and email me your entries for the book as well as posting them to this book thread.....Please make sure you sign your poems and date them. The date does not matter if it was written this year or not as long as we have a date from the author to put on the submissions........thanks to each and every one who has helped this cause by donating poems.........blessings to all........love asha

ashadi9895@gmail.com or
tongue laughtongue rolleyetongue winkrolleyesrolleyesLOLgrinred facered face

12-03-2010 at 01:55:11 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

A wonderful poem donated by Hampton called "Christmas"


The season of Christ’s coming is drawing ever near

We prepare, as in days past, for this very special time of year

We stand ready for the celebration, as is the tradition

Church bells chime. Carols are sung. Cards are sent in recognition

But do we really understand the true meaning of the day?

Or do we just seek to celebrate the gifts and what they convey?

Christmas is a time of giving not receiving

It is a time to reflect on the meaning of believing

To be true to his message means to put others first

It means sharing your drink when your brother suffers from thirst

It means forgiving and sacrificing in his holy name

It means shedding the cloak of arrogance, self pity and blame

So as we prepare for this most holy day

Stay true to your faith, do not falter or stray

It’s Christmas that we celebrate, not just another holiday

Be firm in your belief; be not afraid to kneel and to pray

For those that can grasp the true meaning of Christ’s birth

Will be forever blessed and find peace on this Earth.

©Copyright December 14, 2009 Charlie Gragg

12-03-2010 at 11:10:31 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Rebel Snowflakes

Lacy snowflakes sent to town
Rebelled a bit, drifting down
Some evoked the North wind’s sneeze
Ended up amid tall trees

Other’s caught the North wind’s mouth
Inhaling fresh air from the South
Twirled them off their naughty feet
And made them fall again as sleet

Others were so calm and good
Fell on my love’s neghborhood
She, while watching, eyes aglow
Wrote a letter to the snow

Took her time, in no undo hurry
Praised the North wind’s gentle flurry
Of the flakes’ revolt? You’ll find
It consisted of the magic kind

by HarverTomsson
cool smile

12-04-2010 at 02:43:23 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by ApaqRasgirl

submitted by ginga
Thanks for contributing to the cause...


twinkle frosty night
dipper all aglow
stardust drifts below
arms reach up to sky
moon drifts into view
beckons those on earth
to sing songs of mirth
echo- midnight croon

tannenbaum so green
towering up above
purest whitest dove
perched upon a limb
pinecones don the tree
gentle breeze unveil
platinum moon so pale
unspoken poem of glee

mystical legends, theories
poets, muses, sages
messages penned through ages
until great news was spread
miracle, (gift from God)
to virgin Mary’s arms
infant hid from harm
inn in Bethlehem

snowfall coats the earth
this holiest of days
child born to amaze
cleanse souls that forsake
alleluia heard on high
angelic song sublime
echoes for all time
celebrate their king

Christmas tidings plenty
snowy blustery night
stockings hung by firelight
kitchen smells so sweet
flavors to be savored
nuts, oranges, mincemeat pie,
breads, puddings, to espy
await holiday feast

LBW copyright 2009


This picture would br great, Asha, for the book cover,if we could have it highlighted, with a psychedelic effect. Perhaps Olan could "Butter" it up that "eye-catching" effect.

12-04-2010 at 02:52:30 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by Dano

a letter from santa

dear boys and girls
thank you for the treats
when traveling the world
i get so hungry

but the cookies and the fudge
and the candy that you leave
makes it easy enough
to get through my journey

ive watched you all with care
seeing whos bad and good
with open hearts you share
like good boys and girls should

underneath your trees
ive left you toys and gifts
all the things youll need
to lift your spirits

the twinkle in your eyes
and smiles on your face
moments caught in time
which nothing can erase

seems this year your lists were long
ive brought you what i could
besides you know you cant go wrong
knowing youve been good

just keep in mind the things you got
and be thankful for the few
while some children got alot
others got less than you

take the time to thank your moms
and give your dads a hug
sing with them a christmas song
merry christmas ... from santa with love

dano 12 2 10


This poem is "kiddies" great, I love it. Nice poem to induce kids to write letters to Santa. I understand that his postal address is "Winter Wonderland, USA. and his e-mail address is Samta Claus @ Reindeer. net.

Last edited by cousinsoren 12-04-2010 at 02:53:32 AM

12-04-2010 at 03:01:33 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by kmooney


The story of Christ is succinctly told in this beautiful poem.
The last line contains a typo. It ought to be .......Jesu's journey from manger to cross.

12-04-2010 at 03:36:48 AM

RE: RE: Come one, Come all ye poets (Christmas Poems)Book title "SnowPoets"

Originally Posted by ApaqRasgirl

Wow, the book cover is great, Thanks Dano. I think we can run with this unless you come up with a better one......but I like it and so does WS........

Come one, come all ye poets, to jingle your Christmas bells in support of needy children.......If you have a Christmas poem you would like to donate for the book please post it here in this thread......Make sure you sign and date your poem so credit will be given to the authors........Have a Merry Christmas my dear OP Family.
love ashagrinLOLcheesesmilerolleyestongue laughtongue rolleyetongue wink


Yeah, I like it too! He needs to add " POEMS FOR CHRISTMAS" to It.

Last edited by cousinsoren 12-04-2010 at 03:42:21 AM

12-04-2010 at 03:40:15 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by WordSlinger


12-04-2010 at 09:21:17 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Asha ... I really appreciate your energy and helpfulness...

WordSlinger .... I love SnowPoets and I like the idea of a 2nd Christmas Book... a Mr & Mrs Claus for an adult theme is powerful.

Dano ... you're amazing, talented and fast with the cover layout look....

Christmas Poets posting here ... thank you for contributing ...

I also like the poems from the other Christmas Poems Folder, started last year...
there are some really good poems there...

12-04-2010 at 09:22:56 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by ApaqRasgirl

hey John, Dano......I had this wonderful idea for the back cover in a dream last night......

the letters of the binding on one book could clearly be read......it's a poetry book.......


Is it an OP Poetry Book ??? as in an Original Poetry Book ???

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.