Original Poetry Forums

Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

12-10-2010 at 05:04:09 PM

RE: RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

12-10-2010 at 05:12:26 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Greetings Earthlings,lol!

12-10-2010 at 05:21:11 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems):: A CHRISTMAS GIFT TO ASHA

12-10-2010 at 05:29:20 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

red face

12-10-2010 at 05:31:03 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

God Luvs You Asha and Gives You the Gift of Faith,Sunshine!

12-10-2010 at 06:25:54 PM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by blackfootlady

God Luvs You Asha and Gives You the Gift of Faith,Sunshine!

Thank you dear friend black..cause I sure need it right now....I am getting very sick, have been in bed all day.........my lungs are congested......just hoping it won't be pneumonia again...........love ashadownerdowner

12-10-2010 at 06:29:22 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Lets All Pray that ASHA,Gets Well Soon,Love Blackcool smilekisssmile

12-10-2010 at 06:47:06 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

thank you sweet oren, I'm not blushing, I am beet red......no way I can every hide that from anyone.....its never just a blush with me..........rats......hehe........love ya ashared facered facered facered facered facered facered facered facered facered facered facered facered facered facered facekisskisskisskisskisstongue winktongue winktongue wink

Last edited by ApaqRasgirl 12-10-2010 at 06:50:31 PM

12-10-2010 at 06:48:22 PM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by blackfootlady

Lets All Pray that ASHA,Gets Well Soon,Love Blackcool smilekisssmile

thank you dear, I am trying hard, already taking antibiotics to clear it up......keeping my fingers crossed and my socks on.....rats, I can't even go barefoot in Florida.........love ashaconfusedconfusedred facered facered facered face

12-10-2010 at 06:49:38 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

wonder if there is a way to express air mail chicken soup.........LOLred facered face

12-10-2010 at 06:50:07 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Well I was dreaming of A White Christmas Asha,lol! Gift of Dreams....cool smile

12-10-2010 at 06:52:31 PM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by blackfootlady

Well I was dreaming of A White Christmas Asha,lol! Gift of Dreams....cool smile

Don't much think I will see that this year down this far south.........I miss the Tennessee Mountains at Christmas time.......kisskisscool smilecool smirkred facered facered facehmmmhmmmhmmm

12-10-2010 at 06:52:33 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Gods Working on it Asha,Anythings Possible,LOL!oooxxxxxooooxxx123456!@#$%^&*()_+LOLcheesewink

12-10-2010 at 06:54:04 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Asha ...I just made a huge pot of homemade turkey soup I just wish I could get it to you instead I'll send up my prayers and you will be in my thoughts

12-10-2010 at 07:03:48 PM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by LenaM

Asha ...I just made a huge pot of homemade turkey soup I just wish I could get it to you instead I'll send up my prayers and you will be in my thoughts

ahhh, thank you so much dear, I can almost taste it now.....lol......thanks with all my heart for the prayers........love ashared facered facered facered facekisskisskiss

12-10-2010 at 10:08:29 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

The Door Is Wide Open/ Christmas Poem

The Door Is Wide Open

“That’s for horses and cows, ya know!”
You might not believe this
It’s pretty far out
And it doesn’t sound to real – either
But you see
I met Jesus coming down the street
The other night

It was about six or seven and – already dark
Homeless again as usual – Ya know how He is
There He was, Right there
Standing on the corner in the rain
Waiting for the red light to change

Said, He couldn’t get a room in the hotel
Said, He didn’t have a job
And He hadn’t eaten for
Almost two thousand years!
Almost didn’t recognize him
Cropped His beard, ya know
Stubble all over His face
Wearin’ rags and —– holy shoes
He said, everyone was so — busy
Just tryin’ to cop a few bucks
From everyone else
They couldn’t even spare a dime
Or the right time of day

Said — somebody told him
“You shouldn’t be
Panhandlin’ in the city,
You’re just gon’na get nabbed
For that old crime again!”

I says, “hey!”
“It can’t be all that bad!”

And He said, all His friends were
Treatin' him like a stranger
And He couldn’t find a crash pad
To drop for the night — (And it was cold out!)
Said, His old buddies just weren’t there anymore
When He needed them the most.
Said, He just didn’t get any invites anymore
Said, He felt like He might have said
The wrong thing to someone, sometime or another
And they might’ve took it the wrong way

“Shhhhhheeeit!” I said,
Everyone does that
At least a hundred times a day

He said, He was
Still bein’ treated that — same old way,
As usual
Everyone tellin’ Him to
Go out an’ sleep in the barn

Hey! I says,
Beats sleeping on a park-bench
Out in the thunder and the freeze of night
Or an alcove with a newspaper blanket
Then, I says, Yeah! I know,
I know what you’re talkin’ ‘bout
People just — don’t set a table
The way they use’ta!

Said, He didn’t want to – do it
But, He had to bust a street lamp
The other night
Where He was’a sleepin’
Cause it was’a shinin’ —– in His face
All – night – long – Just couldn’t stand it

He said, He was cold and needed a new coat
I said, “Yeah, the weather’s gettin’ plenty bad
And that old ‘Winter Of Discontent’
Has come around again
And It look’s like it’s here to stay
Then I says, I really know’d

What He was feelin’ and what He was talkin’ ‘bout
I says, “Ya know it’s the economy
Everyone;s got's the clean hands these day
And just don’t want nuthin’ to rub off”

He said, “That’s all right, It’s OK
Don’t bother me — Don’t matter much anyways
Everyone’s got’s to stand
In their own shoes, He says,
I sure could use some new shoes, Ya know
Mine are holier than HELL!

That's the last I saw of ‘em
The lights changed
And then He crossed the street
Goin’ the other way

I yelled out to him,
“Hope — You’ll find it –
A crash pad for the night!”
But He didn’t turn around
Just kept on walkin’
On down the sidewalk
His leather soles slappin’ cement!

“Jesus, You’re Gon’na Be Cold Tonight!”

© R. H. Peat —

12-10-2010 at 10:19:52 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

But My Heart is Warm,lol!smile

12-12-2010 at 07:10:25 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)


Asha is resting, recovering from the ickiy sicky stuff.
She'll be returning soon.
We have two more days, to post poems and pictures.

Happy Holidays everyone.

John E and Maddi

12-12-2010 at 09:36:38 AM

In A Child's Eyes

He was only three years old,
When his Mother passed away.
But, he remembers just how beautiful,
She was on that Christmas Day.

She shone with such a perfect glow,
Like the Angel on the tree.
He couldn't take his eyes off her,
He was blinded by her beauty.

She looked so pretty in her dress,
Flowing like an Angel's wings.
Her voice was soft and beautiful,
As he listened to her sing.

"Silent Night .. Holy Night,
All is calm .. All is Bright." ...
She sang as she decorated,
Hanging ornaments and lights.

She picked him up and let him help,
Placing the Angel on the top.
He remembered just how much fun it was,
And never wanted it to stop.

That was many, many years ago,
But, it's still a favorite memory.
That Christmas Eve within my child's eyes,
Because, that little boy was me.


12-12-2010 at 10:42:43 AM

Christmas eve

The firey cinders still shine bright
fragments of carols on into the night
children tucked up in their beds
blissful dreams kiss tiny heads
All the excitment built up in the past
Christmas day will be here at last
Downstairs the scent of fresh pine
half full glasses of freshly mulled wine
the spirit of christmas is all around
peace with cheer, a beautiful sound
Goodnight sweetheart i say yawning
I'll see you dear on christmas morning

Rachel-erika Henderson Dec 12th 2010

12-12-2010 at 10:55:05 AM

"If They Can Do Ten, Then We Can Do One"

(Asha please add the commentary, but no pictures)

This is poetic journalistic write of a tragic event I witnessed on my way to work on March 27th, of 2010. A tragic event that turned into a Bond, Families that show love for one another
this holiday season. a real Christmas Story.... A true lesson we all can learn from, that in tragedy we can handle things wrong, so the title is about the strength, and love of the Esh Family..Thanks to the step son William of Ken Laymon, the title is his words....

"If They Can Do Ten, Then We Can Do One"

This day will hold union
Fastened by forgiveness, and faith.

March 27, 2010,
The tree buds were beginning to bloom,
And the sun finally was warming us
from winters cold grip.
Ken Laymon was steering, steering his rig
unknowingly right into a disaster.
A disaster that would push him,
And ten more into heavens gates.

(Josh Turner's song The Long Black train
was on the radio, so I 'am curious if Ken
was listening to the same song)

Ken was hauling a lot of weight.
Ironically brake drums.
He’s been on the phone prior
with his wife, and said,
‘I’m having problems,
this truck isn’t right”

Our days holds union in family,
And the motto is ‘Do no harm’
And keep us from fatality.
These are some things Ken
would say.

We the people make a claim
something is wrong.

Our right to a legit complaint,
And the dust burns,
finds ways to saints.
Are these things accidents?
Are they just Gods’ will?
We have to accept tragedies this way.

John Esh was singing.
Taking his family to a wedding.
He was a master of faith, from the war
on tragedies. His horse was killed.
His home burned to the ground
right before Christmas, but he led,
And kept his families heads held high.
Their song Home was a prophecy,
I could only imagine them singing
when God listened to their plea.

Ken’s lorry veered across the motorway lanes,
and hit the van head-on, ripping out the engine
by impact, and cut right through flesh, bone, and metal.
Then smashed into a rock wall, and bursted into flames.
State troopers slowed us down, and sped up the war on fuel.
As traffic viewed a blazing van,
and blood being sucked in earth some more.

Today’s my Son’s birthday,
and I just want to hold him.
We're stalled in traffic,
I have two calls to make.
‘Maddi , I’m on my way to work.
Steven’s clocked down, there’s an accident’

Signal lost….Visions forgotten....

Keep seat belts tight, safe as police’s sight
America’s in paranoia in its states right,
And we stand tall to provide, so we roll
down the highway, and take life in stride.

Speed limits, speed limits
Alabama brake drums, screech
Seat belts save two, but ten fall from reach.
It’s to much to comprehend.
None of them will pull
into their driveways again.

I remember that day of tragedy, but today.
I read from a truckers newspaper on how
those two families are getting
together for the holidays.
The first, without their devoted loved ones.
Sadness wiped away from forgiveness.
Straight down mind blowing,
But that is a flash from the Sword of Love.
Heaven holds a reunion everyday.
Forgiveness is the greatest equalizer I say.

Sorrow just poured out from the brows
of the people stuck in traffic that day.
The poetry of King David
poured out of preachers mouth
on the day of the funeral in the blue south,
And now, it all truly resembles
what a white Christmas is all about.
As the tears fell then, and their words still echo.
“If they can do ten, we can do one, so we all can stand tall
in the power of faith, and forgiveness.
A story, Josh, and Johnny will share with us all.

Heaven holds a reunion everyday.
Forgiveness is the greatest equalizer I say.

Josh and Johnny today:

12-12-2010 at 10:58:33 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

I can see Clearly now! The Rain is Gone.red facewinkcool mad

12-12-2010 at 11:00:14 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Has anyone seen the LOLLY POP KIDS?lol!cool hmmwinkred facered face

12-12-2010 at 08:53:37 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

will be returning as soon as she can.
She just pm'd me saying she is resting, and the
doctors are treating her well.
So keep them coming, and we hope you are having
great days, thank you all

Last edited by WordSlinger 12-12-2010 at 09:15:45 PM

12-12-2010 at 09:03:31 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)


As Fall comes to an end,

winter comes,

with it's snow, and cold, and wind.

As Thanksgiving comes,

and rolls past,

we enter that time of the year.

With the hustle and bustle,

of angry shopping patrons,

by the dozens.

As it gets colder,

We can't help but to get into that,

Christmas cheer.


has the true meaning,

of Christmas been lost?

Everyone is always so busy,

they never stop,

to think for a moment.

About what,

this season is really,

meant to be about.

Noone really keeps,


in CHRISTmas.

It's not all about the,

presents and gifts,

and family dinners.


the day our savior,

was born.


the day,

WE found our Lord.

Help us,

to put the CHRIST

back in CHRISTmas!

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)