Original Poetry Forums

Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

12-17-2010 at 07:46:50 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by Madelynn

Where The Spirit Dwells

I woke on the chilliest of a winter’s morn’-
Collect’d my thoughts, as I set my cup of tea to seep & simmer,
Looked on at my daily ledger; Why ‘tis the 25th of December, the day which marks the birth of our Lord! On such a day crowned with glory to adore brotherhood towards man, I regret to inform, that my holiday had been displaced. Where had the child that bid such chorus in me, escaped?-
The child who once danced to the light of the trees, upon a charmed Christmas day?
Ah!- The absence which hover’d within my gate, was due to a spirit, which had lost her way!
Today shall be the day, I so proclaim a gift to oneself; and with that I set forth to find the spirit which I had misplaced…

I buttoned up my cloak, and wrapped my stow tight- Opened the latch-hook to my door to welcome winter, and find the image I still so fondly remembered. Past my postal port, on the road that leads to the trains, over the tracks, and down a well worn path, my intentions are to return to the grange. For ‘tis been ages since my steps had compassed this way, to my recollection ‘twas the land where I once skipped with laughter, and played.

The grange was sternly silent- and the only company present was the characters posed within the black stilts of the trees, and a dozen dubious eyes speckling the brush, belonging to burrowed mountain bunnies. Altho’ the solitude held presence, a sound most surely could be heard; the echoing spin of ice-laden winds, and the carol of seasonal birds.

All to my gaze beheld a blanket of heavenly white, except for the shadows which stretched to caress the snow with blue- and for a moment I could swear, I was followed to this pass, by the young child which I once knew!

I set my rhythm forward, each step creating a new stone, and my heart began to dance in a rapture of suspense, to the gay sound which plunged beneath my soles. The crunch underfoot almost squeaked- and a giggle suddenly imposed!- From where, or why this elation arose is not of matter, only the joy of remembrance of a Christmas that I once owned.
-I must be close to finding that spirit of the past, for the world before me was now awoke to a tune, as if time itself, had reset a forgotten hourglass.
The clue appeared quite suddenly, so suddenly in fact, I held my gasp! For perched above on a tree fringed with evergreen, a cardinal had crossed my path! I know upon first gaze ‘twas more than a painted sparrow, with a twig clasped between her beak; but truly a messenger placed here per my request, to redeem the ghost to which I seek, and the twig in actuality- was really a berried mistletoe wreath!
I call out to the angel, carefully wording my inquire-
‘Excuse me, O’ fairest of raven’s rose heart, but if you could be so kind as to direct me to discover merriment upon her throne, I shall repay your efforts abundantly, with a smile of purest grace, to illuminate your flight back home.’
O’ how the branch she decorated bounced so, when she bound forth into that icy sky, that snow rained down from the bough in a veil of glistening white- gold upon the forest floor!- And I clamored quickly in pursuit, as so the angel of blushing hue should not elude, the resolution to my lore!
Beauty then began to descend, as powdered whispers fell curiously from the holiday sky. Swirling like cotton clovers, skating within the winds’ playful tides. Yes, I was twirling about, allowing the etched tokens to melt kisses upon my cheeks- remembering timeless laughter; remembering the youth I so beseeched. For a moment I felt like a pawn captured, in this land where wonderment so lavishly flowed, that I had lost site of my winged- director, and the quest for which I homed.

The falling wisps then fell faster to and fro’, and the wind began to swiftly swing! White was blinding my sights to push forward, and continue to search for the spirit which Christmas brings! I called out to the cardinal queen, and attempted to hurry my pace, but winter retained my efforts, as I fell to my knees, and began to pray-
‘Shall I surrender Father, to elude the daughter who hides? The daughter who courted you O’ Lord, the child I have buried inside. Will I ever find marriage with the spirit you so divinely chosen to accompany me?- Or shall I accept absence, and inherit understandings thro’ mans’ empty luxury?’

With my fate accepted, I then rose, turning back to the path from which I came- when suddenly I heard the distant sound of bells toll most triumphant, calling out to me by name! The obligation I must follow became clear, as this journey to recover my spirit, I must complete. I dusted the winter off my cloak front, and continued my course of relief.
The bells rang out louder with every step I placed, and the melody, a rhapsody of holiest earth-bound thunder! Atlast breathless, I had reached my searching place; an arbor birthing winter flowers, and an open vine clothed gate aflutter.
A Christmas village lay within, just beyond my readied steps; complete with lanterns aflame, and swags on every post with decodant holly. Children ran amok on pearl painted cobblestone, and the air held the sweetest scent of freshly baked barley. For I was convinced that I had stumbled upon such a town built of fine treasure- to view such a land with ignorance of discourse, which harbors such hospitable gesture.
Altho’ this resort embraced attentions to charm, my pursuit to locate my lost spirit remained un-claim. For ‘tis my belief that true joy is not only to dwell in such light; but to possess the wick which feeds the flame!
On this note, my messenger reappeared- swooping down in a gracious trace. She circled my startled presence once, then landed on the most respectful of Christmas array!
‘Twas a tree of such majestic statue every branches flickered with tiny lantern stoves. Ribbons swayed within the breeze, laced with golden stitch, and beside every pinecone tower, was the companion of a rose! Beads made from most precious seeds, looped to cascade like rubies bathed in a fountain. Silver streams swept down in a mass of strings, as if bewitched upon this Christmas mountain!
I approached the tree, unable to blink- struck by the view which astounded me- when from a fleeting glimpse of my eye, a childhood spirit flashed to the other side, of the most magnificent tree I have ever encountered! At that moment the cardinal took flight, after that spirit so free- following her to the other side! I hurried around to find what I so seeked, as to capture the ‘who’ or the ‘what’ in which I pined so painfully to still be. However, I searched high and low for the child I once owned, but on the other side stood only- the tree!

A rasping cough clattered, and I lent my ear in close. The choking decree seemed to be escaping from beneath, as I knelt down to find the host. There underneath, set against the tree, was a man keeping sheltered from the cold. I assumed he was a pauper without a home as he looked at me quite gray, and I proposed he had been struck ill with melancholy fate- on such a blessed day.
His face was rugged and worn. His lips chapped and cracked, as he attempted to smile. I wondered of his past, I wondered of his spirit- child. Garments fell displaced on his arms covered with soot. No gloves covered his hands, and only one boot on his foot. Within his hand he clenched an old empty can- empty on Christmas day. A day where peace and giving are said to rule the land, and every miracle bid will find grace.
I filled his cup to the brim with clanking riches, removed my mittens, and unwrapped my stow. I covered him gently to fight off the chill, for I am sure these are tidings he does not own. He braced my arm softly, and then began to speak-
‘My dear, today you are my Christmas angel bringing strength, to an old gentlman who has fallen weak. When I woke today, I thought m’dear, will Christmas remember me? Then like a spirit you appeared, with a smile so beautiful and free- you my angel have washed away my tears, and brought me such a gift of relief. Listen.- Can you hear the bells toll? Do you dance within the snow which paints the trees? Can you see the child of yesterdays wonder? Do you feel the moments of a lost breeze? Look deeper m’dear within this old mans’ eyes; past the hours which scorned, past the sands of theiving time. See not what is before you in flesh, but that which dwells within the bells forgotten chime.’

I held his hand to me close, as I looked into his tear swept eyes, ‘twas that moment in which I realized- that I had found my Christmas ghost.
For as I stared into his eyes, ’twas my own reflection I came to see, and that my lost spirit had come home, because when we give, ’tis only then- that we truly receive.


Your story is delightful, Lil' Sis. Did you read, Charles Dicken's "A Christmas Carol" in your early youth? Dickens was the greatest Christmas Story Teller,of all times. You must have !

Last edited by cousinsoren 12-17-2010 at 12:21:08 PM

12-17-2010 at 09:13:52 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Maddi - A breathtaking masterpiece, BRAVO! 'Your poetry for me, are "Life Lines" -- the indelible incredible spiritual beauty of your poetry is an
inspiritual gift; you resonate with me. The symbolism and metaphors in this golden pen are magnificent! The pains of pinning - the buried child - searching for the who the what -- now through the eyes of a divine poetess masterfully penned with glorious childhood wonderment; so eloquently viewed through nature; the nature of man, then through the eyes of another as they reflect back - you recognized those chimes - Earth Angel! You're the Christmas Lantern, you shed the light, Oh Maddi, what wonderful wisdom and truth, "See not what is before you in flesh, but that which dwells within the bells forgotten chime" -- I held his hand to me close, as I looked into his tear swept eyes, ‘twas that moment in which I realized- that I had found my Christmas ghost. For as I stared into his eyes, ’twas my own reflection I came to see, and that my lost spirit had come home, because when we give, ’tis only then- that we truly receive.

The ending is spectacular; a powerful message! If all of humanity could recognize this divine truth; everyday would be a holiday - the divine spirit of Christmas throughout our earthly dwelling years!

Maddi - what a joy to call you my friend; it's has been a wonderful and enlightening experience getting to know you and to read your glorious poety. My heartfelt wishes and prayers to you and JohnE; may all your days be Merry and Bright...thank you Maddi for sharing your wonderful Peace, Love and Light.

Merry Merry Christams Maddi!


12-17-2010 at 02:46:43 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

red face- Ok Big Brother, and my beautiful sister, Janice- ya gots me blushin'- lol, but I sure am lovin it!!- lol.

-Big Brother Oren, I feel that Charles Dickens is THE BEST story- teller of every season, any time! He is my favorite. A Christmas Carol is my most favorite-ist story EVER! (altho' it's only one of his masterpieces) -yes many nights growing up Charles Dickens decorated my bedside table. Thank you sweetheart for even mentioning me in the same sentences as C.Dickens.

Ok- I'm gonna work on the forward for the book today- hopefully I'll have it pulled together for John by bedtime(or he's prolly gonna freak!, lol) -wish me luck! oh and did I mention; I love you ALL!! Now go wrap some presents dang it!! lol, Maddi

tongue wink

12-17-2010 at 08:53:58 PM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

12-17-2010 at 08:53:58 PM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

Last edited by cousinsoren 12-17-2010 at 08:56:00 PM

12-18-2010 at 08:43:53 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Winter Whispers Poetica Before Christmas

So it was from the 19th Century
O’er the years they’d laugh and sing
A horse, a sleigh, and the bright
spirit the first snow brings

Well, being snow’d in isn’t fun
I love tradition, my heart’s young
Let’s make an experience addition,
And transport our hearts and spirits
to an enchanting day, where visions
of nature, and winter can always dance
To see a glorifying landscape for romance
Then I shall throw in a surprise,
And we’ll cherish the land from the skies

I have always favor’d a spring time marriage,
But winter has magic, as a horse to carriage
You and me celebrating the season
Love enough is our blest reason
Let’s make memories like a snow storm
Blankets in the sleigh, we’ll keep you warm
The horses are beautiful, black and white,
I’ll make another reservation tonight
Listen to the blue and white bells
Capture’d by Christmases giantele
I love the cascades of ice
Like caverns of Gods paradise
Hold my hand, and pass a kiss
This day’s truly a granted wish

Clump, goes the sounds of the hooves
The magic of Santa walking the roofs
The tinkles, and winkles of the river
Beauty through the woods deliver’d
They call this place the Poets Holler
Known for bon-fires, and apple cider

Just beyond those trees, you shall see
the next surprise I have for you and me
But first there is something Winter must say,
So I must for a moment stop this sleigh
Let’s get out, and take a brief walk
Let Winter whisper, so give it some thought
Tonight we’ll curl up with a good book,
But you’re like, we can write one with that look

I shall never forget this, or your smiles
You are a holiday my Dear, Churchild

Let’s feed the horses some carrots
They too love the visions, and share it
Are you ready for an incredible journey?
This will be our personal tourney

The winds are light, and the air’ doesn’t stir
Our sunset’s ready, the Winter Spirit occurs
The Pilot says, ‘the serenity is spectacular'
'You have pick’d a perfect day, madam, and sir'
'Are you ready for the ceremony in my magical balloon?'
'The bride’s a leafless forest, veiled with frost for groom'

This well be a memory for a life time
We’ll see Americas' beautiful countryside
Down below is known as the fields of irises
A place of beautiful horses, and poets kisses

The universe was made, and you’re it’s greatest story
Take a look around, use your mind’s camera for it’s glory
It would take a thousand poets, and a thousand years
to come up with the beauty you are, and write my dear
So take my hand, as we fly over the land
And always know you’re my long time plans

The sun has set, now we can see the platter moon
Lighting up every snow flake below, a visual tune
This is our American adventure
December gold sure does lure
The day our eyes first met
Constantly has me stirred
I want us to enjoy our time
Before time makes it blurred

So it was from the 19th Century
O’er the years they’d laugh and sing
A horse, a sleigh, and the bright
spirit the first snow brings
Now we ride in a one balloon
open basket, and I say
Happy Holidays Darling

Winters whispers alone ask it

Last edited by WordSlinger 12-18-2010 at 10:38:28 PM

12-22-2010 at 09:16:26 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

my christmas wish
if I had one wish for christmas
this is what it would be
may all the homeless find shelter
and plenty of food to eat
may they be warm
not out in the cold
may all the soldiers from iraq come home
be with their families
may we no longer have war
may no one ever again be hungry
I hope santa can hear me
didn’t write him a letter
this is my christmas wish

Copyright December 2010
Regina DeMaggio

12-22-2010 at 09:31:35 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Operation Reindeer in Progress....Everyone one Have a Wonderful Christmas.Welcome to www.originalpoetry.com Christmas party....Frolic Angels! Enjoy the link: http://www.originalpoetry.com/poet/blackfootlady FACEBOOK/Charlene L.Wilcox Love/Laugh/Enjoy this....Papa Treat!
God BlessCHURV http://www.originalpoetry.com/poet/Churv cool smilecool hmmcool cheese

12-23-2010 at 02:33:27 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by Madelynn

red face- Ok Big Brother, and my beautiful sister, Janice- ya gots me blushin'- lol, but I sure am lovin it!!- lol.

-Big Brother Oren, I feel that Charles Dickens is THE BEST story- teller of every season, any time! He is my favorite. A Christmas Carol is my most favorite-ist story EVER! (altho' it's only one of his masterpieces) -yes many nights growing up Charles Dickens decorated my bedside table. Thank you sweetheart for even mentioning me in the same sentences as C.Dickens.

Ok- I'm gonna work on the forward for the book today- hopefully I'll have it pulled together for John by bedtime(or he's prolly gonna freak!, lol) -wish me luck! oh and did I mention; I love you ALL!! Now go wrap some presents dang it!! lol, Maddi

tongue wink


Lol. We have a thing or two , in common.............grinLOLcheese

Save some money and come Jamaica with John for at least a week ,in 2011,
I know Lil' Sis , it's a pipe dream, until your sons have grown up, but while the future keeps growing into the present, and keeps coming at us am, and we are alive, "any game can play".................LOL

John has not responded to my message that our Anthology is now on the market. He could at least shout."Hurrah!".................LOL

12-23-2010 at 02:33:28 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by Madelynn

red face- Ok Big Brother, and my beautiful sister, Janice- ya gots me blushin'- lol, but I sure am lovin it!!- lol.

-Big Brother Oren, I feel that Charles Dickens is THE BEST story- teller of every season, any time! He is my favorite. A Christmas Carol is my most favorite-ist story EVER! (altho' it's only one of his masterpieces) -yes many nights growing up Charles Dickens decorated my bedside table. Thank you sweetheart for even mentioning me in the same sentences as C.Dickens.

Ok- I'm gonna work on the forward for the book today- hopefully I'll have it pulled together for John by bedtime(or he's prolly gonna freak!, lol) -wish me luck! oh and did I mention; I love you ALL!! Now go wrap some presents dang it!! lol, Maddi

tongue wink


Lol. We have a thing or two , in common.............grinLOLcheese

Save some money and come Jamaica with John for at least a week ,in 2011,
I know Lil' Sis , it's a pipe dream, until your sons have grown up, but while the future keeps growing into the present, and keeps coming at us am, and we are alive, "any game can play".................LOL

John has not responded to my message that our Anthology is now on the market. He could at least shout."Hurrah!".................LOL

12-23-2010 at 02:33:35 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by Madelynn

red face- Ok Big Brother, and my beautiful sister, Janice- ya gots me blushin'- lol, but I sure am lovin it!!- lol.

-Big Brother Oren, I feel that Charles Dickens is THE BEST story- teller of every season, any time! He is my favorite. A Christmas Carol is my most favorite-ist story EVER! (altho' it's only one of his masterpieces) -yes many nights growing up Charles Dickens decorated my bedside table. Thank you sweetheart for even mentioning me in the same sentences as C.Dickens.

Ok- I'm gonna work on the forward for the book today- hopefully I'll have it pulled together for John by bedtime(or he's prolly gonna freak!, lol) -wish me luck! oh and did I mention; I love you ALL!! Now go wrap some presents dang it!! lol, Maddi

tongue wink


Lol. We have a thing or two , in common.............grinLOLcheese

Save some money and come Jamaica with John for at least a week ,in 2011,
I know Lil' Sis , it's a pipe dream, until your sons have grown up, but while the future keeps growing into the present, and keeps coming at us am, and we are alive, "any game can play".................LOL

John has not responded to my message that our Anthology is now on the market. He could at least shout."Hurrah!".................LOL

12-23-2010 at 02:33:39 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by Madelynn

red face- Ok Big Brother, and my beautiful sister, Janice- ya gots me blushin'- lol, but I sure am lovin it!!- lol.

-Big Brother Oren, I feel that Charles Dickens is THE BEST story- teller of every season, any time! He is my favorite. A Christmas Carol is my most favorite-ist story EVER! (altho' it's only one of his masterpieces) -yes many nights growing up Charles Dickens decorated my bedside table. Thank you sweetheart for even mentioning me in the same sentences as C.Dickens.

Ok- I'm gonna work on the forward for the book today- hopefully I'll have it pulled together for John by bedtime(or he's prolly gonna freak!, lol) -wish me luck! oh and did I mention; I love you ALL!! Now go wrap some presents dang it!! lol, Maddi

tongue wink


Lol. We have a thing or two , in common.............grinLOLcheese

Save some money and come Jamaica with John for at least a week ,in 2011,
I know Lil' Sis , it's a pipe dream, until your sons have grown up, but while the future keeps growing into the present, and keeps coming at us am, and we are alive, "any game can play".................LOL

John has not responded to my message that our Anthology is now on the market. He could at least shout."Hurrah!".................LOL

12-23-2010 at 02:33:42 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by Madelynn

red face- Ok Big Brother, and my beautiful sister, Janice- ya gots me blushin'- lol, but I sure am lovin it!!- lol.

-Big Brother Oren, I feel that Charles Dickens is THE BEST story- teller of every season, any time! He is my favorite. A Christmas Carol is my most favorite-ist story EVER! (altho' it's only one of his masterpieces) -yes many nights growing up Charles Dickens decorated my bedside table. Thank you sweetheart for even mentioning me in the same sentences as C.Dickens.

Ok- I'm gonna work on the forward for the book today- hopefully I'll have it pulled together for John by bedtime(or he's prolly gonna freak!, lol) -wish me luck! oh and did I mention; I love you ALL!! Now go wrap some presents dang it!! lol, Maddi

tongue wink


Lol. We have a thing or two , in common.............grinLOLcheese

Save some money and come Jamaica with John for at least a week ,in 2011,
I know Lil' Sis , it's a pipe dream, until your sons have grown up, but while the future keeps growing into the present, and keeps coming at us am, and we are alive, "any game can play".................LOL

John has not responded to my message that our Anthology is now on the market. He could at least shout."Hurrah!".................LOL

Last edited by cousinsoren 12-23-2010 at 02:34:45 AM

12-23-2010 at 02:43:55 AM

RE: RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

12-23-2010 at 02:43:58 AM

RE: RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

Last edited by cousinsoren 12-23-2010 at 02:48:47 AM

12-23-2010 at 02:44:01 AM

RE: RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

12-23-2010 at 04:10:02 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by ApaqRasgirl

Dear OP family........I have been asked to help find poems for Christmas...please send me a message if you have written a Christmas poem..........lol

thanks love asha


tongue winktongue rolleyetongue laughred facered facerolleyesrolleyes

12-23-2010 at 04:13:15 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Hello Kids! The Butterfly Lady just ratted on Butterflyluv! Shes over on Skype.................Lol!smilewinkrolleyes

12-23-2010 at 04:17:18 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Kids Grammi just Found the Cookie Monster underneath her Bed,lol! If Any Granmother would like to join the fun let Me know,please! God Bless.......................................................................................Butterflyluv49cool smilecool smirkcool smilered face

12-23-2010 at 04:19:29 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Kids now Where did the Cookie Monster goooooooooooo,lol!?hmmmoh ohsmilecool hmm

12-23-2010 at 04:43:52 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Hey Deja & Antonio That Cookie Monster has alot of nerd.He just asked Grammy out to diner Christmas Eve.Poor,poor,poor Grampi.Left out again.madangryzipper

12-23-2010 at 10:36:33 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

I missed the whole she-bang last night :( I'm a bit technically challenged at times lol I know how to use my skype msn and my pc lol

12-23-2010 at 11:07:05 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Has Anyone seen the Butterfly Lady? Oh Gramma We know it's You! lol!Who is this?Grammy it's Us,Deja & Antonio! Grammy We love You a zillion,billion,times more! It's Us Gramma! lol! Who is Daisy & Antonio? Grammy stop it.You Know it Us Butterflylady! lol! Who did You say You were? lol!smilewinktongue wink

12-23-2010 at 11:10:03 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Granma Stop it,lol! You know it 's Us!lol! Rememember Camping,waterslides,and laser tag!lol! Silly gramma! Your the Butterfly Lady.lol!cool smiletongue winkwinkwink

12-23-2010 at 12:09:24 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

We are going to create a letter, a proposal to the United States Post Office.
they are the creators of Operation Santa Claus.
We need muscle for this book, and this is the best way we think to get the book out.
We couldn't find an organization to do it so far..
This project is special, we didn't just want to throw it out in a hurry, and have it a disaster, so we have a full year to add poems to it, fine tune it, organize it, and market it with Operation Santa Claus. There was just no way to get this book out, with Asha in the hospital, Paul, Angel, Maddi and me didnt feel comfortable doing it
without her.
She is still in the hospital, and Paul is taking care of her thank God for Paul..
This will be a better book, by this, and also it will have more man power behind it this way.

Happy Holidays, from the Snow-Poets 2010

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.