Original Poetry Forums

Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

12-06-2010 at 12:21:39 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by gogant

I applaud you guys for all the work you are putting into this. DANO, you
are an artist, indeed. Well, here is my poem from last year.....

~ Busy Little Elf ~

His little hands moving like a nor' east wind;
Tinkering about old Santa's shop.
Sawing and hammering
Sanding and singing
Dancing, and spinning -- like a twirling top.
Dressed in the finest of reds and greens;
Pointy-toed shoes -- all fuzzy and new.
With a mile-wide grin
He sings with each spin,
Stopping not to rest for a minute, nor two.
The finest of woods for this artisan's need
For sleds, skis, and rocking horses too.
Paints of every shade
Brushed and laid
Like an artist with luster gleaning anew.
Hearing the jingling bells from Santa's den
He quickens his pace to twice the speed.
Laugher he hears
Coming 'cross his ears
Little elf and his crew have finished, indeed.
Santa smiles, and gives him a wink;
Stuffing those toys into his sack;
Up on the sleigh --
He's on his way,
To ev'ry house he'll go -- with toys to stack.

By, gogant (George Arndt) © December 2, 2009


This poem is a "thrill" George. Kids will be delighted with those sibilants or "sh-shay" sounds and affricates , without a doubt.

12-06-2010 at 12:21:40 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by gogant

I applaud you guys for all the work you are putting into this. DANO, you
are an artist, indeed. Well, here is my poem from last year.....

~ Busy Little Elf ~

His little hands moving like a nor' east wind;
Tinkering about old Santa's shop.
Sawing and hammering
Sanding and singing
Dancing, and spinning -- like a twirling top.
Dressed in the finest of reds and greens;
Pointy-toed shoes -- all fuzzy and new.
With a mile-wide grin
He sings with each spin,
Stopping not to rest for a minute, nor two.
The finest of woods for this artisan's need
For sleds, skis, and rocking horses too.
Paints of every shade
Brushed and laid
Like an artist with luster gleaning anew.
Hearing the jingling bells from Santa's den
He quickens his pace to twice the speed.
Laugher he hears
Coming 'cross his ears
Little elf and his crew have finished, indeed.
Santa smiles, and gives him a wink;
Stuffing those toys into his sack;
Up on the sleigh --
He's on his way,
To ev'ry house he'll go -- with toys to stack.

By, gogant (George Arndt) © December 2, 2009


This poem is a "thrill" George. Kids will be delighted with those sibilants or "sh-shay" sounds and affricates , without a doubt.

Last edited by cousinsoren 12-06-2010 at 12:22:09 AM

12-06-2010 at 10:25:40 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)SnowPoets book update status

Hey just thought I would let everyone know how the book is coming along. Currently we have 17 poems/versus submitted along with 6 images. That brings us to about 35 pages used for the total of 200 pages needed to fill the book..All is looking fantastic poet family.......

Now lets start filling in some more of those pages. Get those pens crankin darlings and send in your Christmas poems...........thanks so much to all of you who have helped so far...........love asharolleyesrolleyestongue rolleyetongue winkred facered face

12-06-2010 at 11:17:09 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Here's my submission, hope ya dig it wink

"The Christmas Angel"

She stood atop my grandma's tree
Each year at Christmastime
And Grandma probably bought her
At the local Five & Dime

A pretty Christmas Angel
Dressed in robes of satin white
With soft blonde hair and cherry lips
Her candle shining bright

For years, she cast a guiding light
Atop that great big tree
But we never really noticed her
Each night on Christmas Eve

We just piled into Grandma's
Dined on cookies, cake and pie
Opened gifts then hurried home
To watch for reindeer in the sky

But now those days are history
My grandma's long since gone
And Christmas isn't the same
Without her silly Santa songs

She didn't leave a lot behind
Except those memories
And a pretty Christmas Angel
To adorn our yuletide tree

Copyright December 2010
Michelle Jones *MindNumbing*

12-06-2010 at 12:08:15 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Here is mine, and I hope it does the children some good.

Dear Santa, Let Me Explain

Dear Santa Claus, way up in the North Pole
Please, at least give me a chance to explain!
How was I supposed to know Dad’s remote control
Would get crushed when run over by a toy train?

I am not as naughty a boy as you might think,
I’m not a bad kid, I am not as bad as all that,
Who knew paint should not be poured down the sink?
Or that you should never try to shave the cat.

No matter what stories you might have heard,
I can be pretty darn good when I give it a try.
The cat will never again be stuffed in the cage with the bird,
Or slingshot to see if he can be taught how to fly.

I eat all of mom’s cooking, no matter how bad
I do my best to clean up my plate.
Only once did I hide the car keys in the freezer on Dad
The line I walk is narrow and straight.

I am sorry about the window, it was an accident
I was just playing ball with my friends.
I will pay for the glass, one hundred percent
And do whatever I can to make amends.

I am sure that Grandma has forgotten about those plates
She has forgotten about almost every other thing.
And I never bring her frogs or the snakes she hates
I have not muddied her carpets since Spring.

And about my kid sister, her hair will grow back,
Dad said she looked cuter than cute.
I think the rug in my room looks better in black
And Grandpa already replaced his gray suit.

So give me a break, Santa, I’m trying real hard,
It’s not easy keeping grownups happy, you see.
Maybe pirates really did bury treasure in our yard,
If I had found it, they would be happy, I guarantee.

So maybe sometimes I get in trouble when I get into a fight
Maybe sometimes I have to clap erasers after school,
I’m just full of energy, holding me down is not right
So what if I don’t follow their stupid rules

That rat Benny B., he had it coming, St. Nick,
He has been giving me guff for a week
He is a bully and a punk and he just makes me sick
With his nonstop tormentor’s mean streak.

You are Santa, you know the truth, I am really OK
I’m not a bad kid all of the time,
Just please bring me Christmas, I’ll do whatever you say,
I will even stop writing in rhyme.

Just one more thing Santa, and I hope you don’t mind
I really want to spread holiday cheer,
So if your list falls a little bit behind,
Please cut me a little slack for next year.

12-06-2010 at 12:14:25 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

thank you so very much, Knight, Mindnumbing and Reilly for helping our cause...and thank you also lena for your post...love asha

Last edited by ApaqRasgirl 12-06-2010 at 01:57:38 PM

12-06-2010 at 01:28:43 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

The Christmas Arraingement

Late one December evening
A sound woke me from my bed,
I grabbed a baseball bat for safety
And crept downstairs full of dread.

I must admit I was not fit
For foiling midnight burglaries.
My cousin had kept pouring eggnog,
I kept on saying, “Yes, please.”

I slunk down the stairs, bat in hand,
Jumping at yet another sound.
But never in my wildest dreams
Did I realize what I had found.

Someone was in my living room!
I could hear them moving around.
So I jumped into the darkened room
And bonked him upon his crown!

He fell face first upon my rug
As you maybe have suspected,
But when I turned on the table lamp
What I saw was quite unexpected.

Santa Claus himself lay unconscious,
My heart filled with a child’s worst fear.
I had gone ahead and clobbered
The source of all Christmas Cheer!

I had to hide the evidence
Or suffer a Christmas curse!
I could not guess how my holidays
Could possibly get any worse.

I dragged that fat elf out into the snow
And began to dig a hole.
I hoped to hide the evidence
Lest I be doomed to a lifetime of coal.

But then he awoke, and began to yell
And my neighbors began prying
To spy the source of all the noise,
The screaming, yelling and crying.

The cops showed up, and saved St. Nick
Before hauling me off to the station.
They said they hoped the judge threw the book
Like I was some inhuman abomination.

Not long after I stood up in court
While the victim showed his bruises.
I tried to tell of eggnog-induced haze
But the judge was hearing no excuses.

I hung my head in utmost shame
While the verdict was entered and read.
I got twenty long years in a state prison cell
For cold-cocking the man in red.

Then Santa’s elvish lawyers worked,
And a fireplace was magically erected,
Santa winked and vanished with a finger on his nose
Although not the one I expected.

Now when Christmas time rolls around this year
And you all have fun with your celebrations,
I sit in my gray ten-by-ten room
Fulfilling my legal obligations.

So take my advice this holiday season
As you fire up the traditional Yule log,
If your cousin is anything at all like mine
Say “No thanks” to a sixth eggnog.

12-06-2010 at 02:01:59 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Sent in by Londo
Thanks dear for your help......asha

The Toy Train

‘twas the night before Christmas
And all through the den
Dad stayed up all night
With train track and gin

I was just five
Back in ‘59
Dad was an engineer
On the Grand Trunk Line

So he knew the ropes
All the rules of the road
He knew what it took
To pull a big load

Like his father before him
An engineer too
But grandpa passed away
When I was just two

Now on this Christmas Eve
Dad was busy as sin
Laying down track
And sipping on gin

A four by eight sheet of plywood
He spray painted green
Tacked down the tracks
Built a holiday scene

A railroad trestle
O’er the road
Up hill and down
The train pulled the load

Houses, a church
A granary too
The HO scale village
Really something to view

On Christmas morning
There were presents galore
When I finished unwrapping
My dad said, “One more.”

“Go take a peek
At the floor in the den.”
I looked at my mom
She gave me a grin.

I ran to the den
And turned on the light
I couldn’t believe
The wondrous sight

There were twinkling lights
And engines with whistles
‘twas ‘The Cold War’ era
So one flatcar had missiles

Small cars at the crossings
At each crossing, a gate
As the trains came by
The cars had to wait

“I’ll show you how it works.”
Dad said and put on his cap
He gave me one too
As I sat on his lap

‘twas a great Christmas morn’
And I didn’t complain
As I sat there all day
Watching dad play with the train

Londo 12-06-10

12-06-2010 at 02:03:18 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

sent in by LenaM
thanks sweetheart for helping.......asha

Santa and The Old Man

She was a wisp of a girl with a smile as bright as the sun
She pulled out her Christmas list and I inwardly groaned
I just wanted to take off this damn Santa suit and head home

Okay little girl lets get this done and could you hurry, it's late
looked down at my watch again as if to make my point
Santa don't worry I'll be quick I'll try not to make you wait

In a voice just barely above a whisper she recited her list
Well Angela she needs a new coat hers is full of holes
even though she never complains Santa she's gotta be cold

Stevie's is sick with cancer, so can you find him a specialist
he hurts a lot but he wants to be an Olympic gold medalist

Cathy well she's never had a new Barbie Doll, oh and can she have Ken
plus Barbie's Townhouse too? I know she'd take special care of them

My daddy needs a car, he walks to work everyday
when he comes home at night, he's too tired to play

Ben needs new glasses his are broken and the other kids make him cry
I get so mad sometimes it makes me sad to see him run and hide

That's all Santa I've finished my list, she said with a grin
I looked into her innocent face, felt shame flush my skin

Embarrassed by my impatience, till now this had been just a chore
half listening as children filed past and frankly quite bored

Knowing full well I could never bring it to pass
I gave a half-hearted promise to bring what she asked

Hopping off my lap, her little feet skipping in a happy dance
she left humming jingle bells as she looked back for a last glance

In the corner stood a man, disheveled, wrinkled skin caked with dirt,
his voice soft but steely as he spoke, no way I will let that child be hurt

Reached into his pocket and pulled out a card and much to my surprise
the man was a legend known by many yet I had failed to recognize

When you're done with your shift, meet me outside, now hand me that list
I've much to do and not much time, but I aim to fulfill that child's every last wish

He walked out, left me mouth wide open, choking back tears
as the store Santa I had seen much, but never this in all my years

With trembling hands I went back, sat in my chair to finish my shift
my mind churning a mile a minute as I thought of her list of gifts

Watching the clock with a mixture of elation and dread till the final bell rang
bundled up tight went out the back door and down the steps and my heart sang

For there he was grinning like the Cheshire cat, brand new car, keys dangling in his hand
inside all she had asked for and more, go ahead son, she's waiting for Santa not this old man

Selena Howard © 2010

12-06-2010 at 02:13:01 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Rock on my poet family......We are up 22 poems and 48 pages out of 200 by this afternoon.......Well done everyone.........Now if any of you have pictures of your christmas tree or other christmas scenes please send them in. We are adding images to the book as well..........thanks dear ones....love ashatongue winktongue rolleyetongue laughred facered facerolleyesrolleyesLOLLOL

12-06-2010 at 02:23:04 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Dear Asha,
We are recieving God Blessings.Don't Bless Us.Bless The Faith OF God.
He is Making Us the Poetry site That Will Go Down in U.S.History as Awesome.
There Now You May Thank All The Poets,lol!
When are We going to Chat to Play With The Smileys?lol!

12-07-2010 at 02:02:37 PM

As You Write Poems For This Book Keep In Mind

For the adult, a poem may be a work of art, possibly a very great one, but for the child reader, certain poems are universes. If we are lucky, we retain some of that capacity to be immersed in a poem.

12-07-2010 at 03:01:41 PM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by Reilley

Here is mine, and I hope it does the children some good.

Dear Santa, Let Me Explain

Dear Santa Claus, way up in the North Pole
Please, at least give me a chance to explain!
How was I supposed to know Dad’s remote control
Would get crushed when run over by a toy train?

I am not as naughty a boy as you might think,
I’m not a bad kid, I am not as bad as all that,
Who knew paint should not be poured down the sink?
Or that you should never try to shave the cat.

No matter what stories you might have heard,
I can be pretty darn good when I give it a try.
The cat will never again be stuffed in the cage with the bird,
Or slingshot to see if he can be taught how to fly.

I eat all of mom’s cooking, no matter how bad
I do my best to clean up my plate.
Only once did I hide the car keys in the freezer on Dad
The line I walk is narrow and straight.

I am sorry about the window, it was an accident
I was just playing ball with my friends.
I will pay for the glass, one hundred percent
And do whatever I can to make amends.

I am sure that Grandma has forgotten about those plates
She has forgotten about almost every other thing.
And I never bring her frogs or the snakes she hates
I have not muddied her carpets since Spring.

And about my kid sister, her hair will grow back,
Dad said she looked cuter than cute.
I think the rug in my room looks better in black
And Grandpa already replaced his gray suit.

So give me a break, Santa, I’m trying real hard,
It’s not easy keeping grownups happy, you see.
Maybe pirates really did bury treasure in our yard,
If I had found it, they would be happy, I guarantee.

So maybe sometimes I get in trouble when I get into a fight
Maybe sometimes I have to clap erasers after school,
I’m just full of energy, holding me down is not right
So what if I don’t follow their stupid rules

That rat Benny B., he had it coming, St. Nick,
He has been giving me guff for a week
He is a bully and a punk and he just makes me sick
With his nonstop tormentor’s mean streak.

You are Santa, you know the truth, I am really OK
I’m not a bad kid all of the time,
Just please bring me Christmas, I’ll do whatever you say,
I will even stop writing in rhyme.

Just one more thing Santa, and I hope you don’t mind
I really want to spread holiday cheer,
So if your list falls a little bit behind,
Please cut me a little slack for next year.


Hey, this is great! Is he writing about my two-year-old hyper-active grandnephew.? I notice that the little rascal is slowing down as his days, months and years increase. Kids and adults ought to find this comic piece entertaining.

Last edited by cousinsoren 12-07-2010 at 08:41:09 PM

12-07-2010 at 03:29:17 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

The open fire begins to glow

Outside the ground is sprinkled with snow

Colourful stockings line the shelves

The Northpole is full of busy little elves

Santa's sleigh is being packed with toys

For all the good little girls and boys

Homes are filled with the scent of pine,

christmas mince pies & freshly mulled wine

Listen to the whispers echo through the air

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!

12-07-2010 at 05:40:28 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

this is last years, and Oren has another coming...

12-07-2010 at 06:39:25 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)


12-07-2010 at 07:21:51 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Thank you rachelerika, WS and cousins for the new entries for the book.....they are all fantastic.....I love them.........but please remember all my dear Christmas poets that I need you to also email me your submitted poems signed and dated by you the author and I need a title for them as well.......

rachelerika darling your poem is so beautiful, can you put a title on it for me pretty please with sugar sprinkles and all.......LOL.......thanks to all of you......love asha

ashadi9895@gmail.comgringrintongue laughtongue winkred facered facerolleyesrolleyes

12-07-2010 at 07:22:54 PM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

this is last years, and Oren has another coming...

darling this image you have on this poem is beautiful......I'm adding this one to the book......love it...asha

12-07-2010 at 08:13:37 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

well hope you all like it.....

The Bell...

As day turns to night

a little boy sits at the window

anxiously waiting to see Santa.

His eyes were closing but he would force them open.

“ I have to see him. I need to prove that he exists”

Not many people in this town have the Christmas spirit.

No trees line the sidewalks, not carols fill the air, no lights hang in the streets.

Kids have been saying that Santa doesn't exist

that it is only their parents eating his cookies, drinking his milk,

and leaving presents with little cards that say “from Santa”.

They say that even if there was a Santa

he always leaves them broken bells, bells that don't ring.

“maybe I should just believe them and go to bed and never think of Santa again.”

still he sits at the window, head resting against the window pane,

mumbling the words that he wanted no one to hear.

He doesn't remember when but he guesses he fell asleep

he awoke on Christmas morning in his own bed.

A joy filled smile comes to his face and he jumps out of bed and runs to his parents' room,

“mom dad, its Christmas! Wake up!”

all of them run to the living room and look at the tree.

Beneath it presents flood the floor.

Everyone just stands there staring,

finally the little boy runs to the presents and finds one that is for him that says “from Santa”

he rips open the present and he cant believe his eyes.

It was a game, a game that he wanted... but never told anyone about.

“How'd they know” he whispers only loud enough for him to hear.

Now he knew Santa does exist.

They all finished opening all the presents and went to eat breakfast.

He couldn't eat much because he was so excited.

He went back to the living room and looked at the tree,

beneath it was a single present.

He walks over and kneels down by it and sees it is for him.

He opens up the box and sees a little red bell and a letter.

He takes the letter out and reads it

“ To Timmy, you believed in me and you never stopped. Take this bell and shake it,”

he picks up the bell and shakes it and hears it ring,

“ see there your bell rang, not everyone's bell rings...that is because they don't believe in me.

If they did it would ring just like yours. Always believe and never stop.

Take care my boy. Love Santa”

he puts the letter down and holds they bell with both hands.

“ he does exist, I knew it.” ring, ring,ring,ring...

12-07-2010 at 08:20:30 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Thank you dear, the poem is great you did just fine......love asha

12-07-2010 at 08:31:42 PM

WordSlingers' C-3PO and R2-D2

12-08-2010 at 12:36:46 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

My Brother, Part II:

A Perfect Christmas

©2010, Olan L. Smith

“Oh boy it is going to be a perfect Christmas!”

Momma chimed in,
“Time for you to go to bed Cotton or Santa won’t come.”

I scurried to bed. Momma carefully tucked me into my bed,
“If you peek to see Santa he won’t leave presents.”

A dilemma for a young boy; on one hand
There was this overwhelming desire to for gifts
Oh dear, what to do.
I tossed and turned for several minutes
As I fought sleep but at last sleep won.

Suddenly, I was jolted awake by a loud banging. Could it be―
No― it was too much to hope for, Santa on my roof?
Do I dare sneak in the living room? No, better wait
Until he’s gone; I might scare him away.

I gave him five minutes that was enough time.
I snuck out to see. Slowly, I opened the door
To the living room and felt with my hand for the light switch
In hopes of glimpsing Santa Claus when the lights came on.

I searched and I found our front door; the skeleton key was in it.
So Santa had been here, I thought. Creeping I worked my way
Further and flipped on the lights.
Squinting, my eyes adjusted and peeking through my eyelids
I saw that indeed Santa had been there. Huge unwrapped presents
Lay under the tree glimmering brightly beneath its lights.

“Momma, Santa has been here!” I said as I ran into the bedroom.
“Come, and see! Momma, please come and see!”

“Cotton it is four a.m. go back to sleep.”

Oh no, what every boy dreaded,
Those fateful words, “Go back to sleep.”
Couldn’t she understand it was impossible under these circumstances?

“Momma please,” as I tugged their covers,

“Come with me.” My words begun to quiver;
I was just about to pull out all the stops and begin to cry.
Crying was my last resort but it was my best weapon—

I was about to let loose with a big wail
When my brothers appeared at the door―

“It’s Okay, mom. We will take care of him while you sleep,”
My brothers, to the rescue!
They brought into the living room

And sat me by the Christmas tree—
I looked at the tree sparkling in its beauty.
Hanging from it was the glittering globe
Given to me by my Sunday school teacher,
Also hanging from the tree was Bubba’s plastic horn
And Junior’s white colored Santa’s sleigh.

Bubba held me in his lap.
Soon, I fell fast asleep.
I felt Bubba move me onto our sofa.
I opened my eyes briefly as I felt covers laid over me

And I slipped back into the quite realm of slumber.
Another clamor awoke me from my slumber with a bang. I sat up.
Looking around and I saw my father tending the fire.
Loading our stove with chunks of coal—

I continued to look around the room. Everybody was awake.
It was daylight outside and snow covered the ground in splendor.
The first day of a snowfall was the only pretty day for the white stuff, in Dugby.
Soon all the chimneys around town would drop their ugly black soot
On the top layer of snow and give everything a blackened and dingy look.

Bubba grabbed me by the hand and said,
“Come with me. I want to show you something.
Put on clothes and boots; we are going outside.”

I said, “I already saw the key in the door.”

Bubba said, “We want you to see something.
So, I dressed, and followed my brothers.
We walked to the street to look at the house.

“Cotton, look up at the roof.
See the tracks in the snow on our roof.
Those are Santa’s sleigh tracks.
That is what woke you up this morning.”

Well that clinched it. There is a Santa Claus.
I was getting suspicious about the little elf
But here in front of me was proof positive.
This was the greatest Christmas present,
Because I had witnessed with my own eyes
The actual tracks of Santa’s sleigh.

12-08-2010 at 02:34:18 AM

RE: RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Originally Posted by Olan01

My Brother, Part II:

A Perfect Christmas

©2010, Olan L. Smith

“Oh boy it is going to be a perfect Christmas!”

Momma chimed in,
“Time for you to go to bed Cotton or Santa won’t come.”

I scurried to bed. Momma carefully tucked me into my bed,
“If you peek to see Santa he won’t leave presents.”

A dilemma for a young boy; on one hand
There was this overwhelming desire to for gifts
Oh dear, what to do.
I tossed and turned for several minutes
As I fought sleep but at last sleep won.

Suddenly, I was jolted awake by a loud banging. Could it be―
No― it was too much to hope for, Santa on my roof?
Do I dare sneak in the living room? No, better wait
Until he’s gone; I might scare him away.

I gave him five minutes that was enough time.
I snuck out to see. Slowly, I opened the door
To the living room and felt with my hand for the light switch
In hopes of glimpsing Santa Claus when the lights came on.

I searched and I found our front door; the skeleton key was in it.
So Santa had been here, I thought. Creeping I worked my way
Further and flipped on the lights.
Squinting, my eyes adjusted and peeking through my eyelids
I saw that indeed Santa had been there. Huge unwrapped presents
Lay under the tree glimmering brightly beneath its lights.

“Momma, Santa has been here!” I said as I ran into the bedroom.
“Come, and see! Momma, please come and see!”

“Cotton it is four a.m. go back to sleep.”

Oh no, what every boy dreaded,
Those fateful words, “Go back to sleep.”
Couldn’t she understand it was impossible under these circumstances?

“Momma please,” as I tugged their covers,

“Come with me.” My words begun to quiver;
I was just about to pull out all the stops and begin to cry.
Crying was my last resort but it was my best weapon—

I was about to let loose with a big wail
When my brothers appeared at the door―

“It’s Okay, mom. We will take care of him while you sleep,”
My brothers, to the rescue!
They brought into the living room

And sat me by the Christmas tree—
I looked at the tree sparkling in its beauty.
Hanging from it was the glittering globe
Given to me by my Sunday school teacher,
Also hanging from the tree was Bubba’s plastic horn
And Junior’s white colored Santa’s sleigh.

Bubba held me in his lap.
Soon, I fell fast asleep.
I felt Bubba move me onto our sofa.
I opened my eyes briefly as I felt covers laid over me

And I slipped back into the quite realm of slumber.
Another clamor awoke me from my slumber with a bang. I sat up.
Looking around and I saw my father tending the fire.
Loading our stove with chunks of coal—

I continued to look around the room. Everybody was awake.
It was daylight outside and snow covered the ground in splendor.
The first day of a snowfall was the only pretty day for the white stuff, in Dugby.
Soon all the chimneys around town would drop their ugly black soot
On the top layer of snow and give everything a blackened and dingy look.

Bubba grabbed me by the hand and said,
“Come with me. I want to show you something.
Put on clothes and boots; we are going outside.”

I said, “I already saw the key in the door.”

Bubba said, “We want you to see something.
So, I dressed, and followed my brothers.
We walked to the street to look at the house.

“Cotton, look up at the roof.
See the tracks in the snow on our roof.
Those are Santa’s sleigh tracks.
That is what woke you up this morning.”

Well that clinched it. There is a Santa Claus.
I was getting suspicious about the little elf
But here in front of me was proof positive.
This was the greatest Christmas present,
Because I had witnessed with my own eyes
The actual tracks of Santa’s sleigh.

Hi darling, did you change something in this piece that I missed from the first posting.....if so let me know so I can update the doc file......love asha

12-08-2010 at 06:59:04 AM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

Hello Poets,
Just Had to stop By and Congradulate All the Poets of The Week!
I needed to Also tell All the Poets They do Wonderful work and That I can't Keep Up with All the Beautiful Writes.
Asha You are most of all loved and have inproved So Much.I'm just so impressed with All the Hands Blessed By God.Such a wonderful job You are All doing with the Christmas Poetry For Children.My Goodness,I am so Impressed.Remember Happiness is an Inside Job and Winning is It's Masters.Good Luck with the Decembers Poets of The week,God Bless-Black
Pen Name:CHURVcool smilewinksmile

12-08-2010 at 02:15:45 PM

RE: Calling All Poets (Christmas Poems)

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)