

  • Other


    We have all dreamed.
    But can we truly remember
    What it is that we have dreamed about?

    I remember my dreams
    For a period of time.
    Some are in color
    While others are in
    Black and white.

    My dreams are of many things.
    Though they are mainly of love.
    The love of those I have
    Received, and the love of
    Those that I will never

    Every night my dreams
    Are different.
    Every night I dream of different
    If I truly think
    About them, I can remember
    My dreams.
    Can you remember yours?

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    CasimirJash commented on Dreams


    I can remember some of my dreams sometimes too, but I'll forget them in a day or two. but some come back and make me ponder, give me ideas on the times I wonder. nice poem



    see, im like that at times myself, and thanks for saying it was nice, you dont realize how happy it makes me to get good reviews ^^

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Reinn’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
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    Untitled 0
    Free as an Eagle 0
    Perfect Person 0
    Truthfulness 0
    Fun Times 0
    Fuck You 1
    Destiny Gone By 0
    Why? 1
    I Could Never Hurt You 1
    Broken Heart 1
    What Do You Do? 0
    Dreams 1
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    Our Relationship 1
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