I Could Never Hurt You


  • Love

    I Could Never Hurt You

    You say that you are
    Afraid that I will hurt
    You too.
    I could never hurt you.
    I would rather kill
    Myself than hurt you
    In any way.
    You apologize for pulling away.
    I understand how you feel.
    You say that you want to shove my love away.
    All I can do is ask that
    You don’t do that.
    It might be hard for you
    To trust, but I will do
    Everything I can do get
    Your trust.
    Please, allow me to get
    Close to you.
    I love you with all my heart
    And I always will.
    Let me prove it to you.
    Let me prove that I am worthy
    Of your trust.

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    nightsky commented on I Could Never Hurt You


    It sounds very convincing--and moving. If someone is hesitant to trust, it can take time. On the other hand, if such handfuls and armfuls of beauty are extended, that would surely soften that trust for you.



    so one would think, but alas the person that this was intended for went back to the person who had hurt her so badly to begin with, so all i could do was let her go and hope that he would changed and fortunately he did, they are now married

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    Reinn’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
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    Fuck You 1
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