Darkest Dwelling~


Darkest Dwelling~

 Darkest Dwelling~

Down the street Dare not go

Dracula Dances on his tippy toes!

Despite the difference do not be a fool,

Dracula a beastly gool.

Deathly deformity With his fangs.

Disowned his voice in which he sang.

Descrace they decreed

Dracula was now desprate indeed.

Desgusting Dracula they declare

Desirering Dracula now to be spared.

Differences delight doubting children.

Defended the dorm, he is not a goblin.

Defeated he hid down the street.

Dreeding the idea of being beat.

Dared to enter the desolate dwelling

Devils did delibrately yelling

Dare to drum out in the street

Dracula will be back on his feet

Done being discraced

Dracula was now the cool race!

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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

AlisRed’s Poems (26)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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Future 0
Conscious 0
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