Dance Lessons


  • Love

    Dance Lessons

    You taught me to dance
    perhaps not on purpose
    but by chance.

    We two lives were bound together
    by vows that tether
    and blend forever.

    The beginning steps we made
    halting, faulting, sometimes crazed
    creating stops and starts

    Our bruised and hurting toes
    left our tender egos
    cautious about the next steps.

    Still we clasped each other
    embraced the choice we made
    and danced on bravely.

    A step forward followed
    then a sidestep ensued
    with the next step subdued

    With joy we whirled
    or in frustration twirled
    only to each other return.

    Now here we with much practice
    step and sweep lightly
    across life's great dance floor.

    Whether by choice or chance
    or some divine providence
    it is you who
    taught me to dance.

    Poem Comments


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    sandys commented on Dance Lessons


    Nice picture painting with flowing words; takes the reader along for the dance. Nice work!



    Thanks, sandys, for your comment on my poem "Dance Lessons". It is thoughtful and encouraging. I appreciate it.

    HarverTomsson commented on Dance Lessons


    Still we clasped each other embraced the choice we made and danced on bravely. This is one grand line philosophically, and its profundity makes the whole poem shine. I think you digressed in the final stanza, pandering to the scope of opinion. Someone this resolved knows the answer to the proffered causalities. Nevertheless, I won't let that affect my rating.



    Thanks HarverTomsson for reading "Dance Lessons"! I think you are correct about the last stanza. Thanks for your honesty.

    poetmaker commented on Dance Lessons


    I think this is beautiful, loving caring poetry. It is also sharing. Keep up the good work Poetmaker



    Thanks so much, Poetmaker. I'm so glad you enjoyed "Dance Lessons".

    Agape commented on Dance Lessons


    A beautiful description! The reader can see the two learning to dance together, for both need to learn how the other moves...such a beautiful poem :)

    ivecute77 commented on Dance Lessons


    yet another great poem good work

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    Weatherstone’s Poems (40)

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