Road of the Broken


Poem Commentary

I wrote this for the "picture poetry" Forum that yungteflon started on this site.  He's asking people to write a poem in response to the picture posted there.  Take a look and see what creativity comes out of you!

Road of the Broken

I walk the lonely road of the broken
unseen and yet seen by
more perfect human specimens than I.

I turn my face to its good side
loved and yet unloved by
critical eyes that scan for fleshly flaws.

I cannot hide my cracked and broken self
hated and despised by
myself in the mirror of people's eyes.

I cannot heal my wounds
festering and seething through
my broken facade of self-made beauty.

I walk the lonely road of the broken
seeking and yet not finding
one who will love my fractured self.

I turn my face in hope of finding
love extended in tender kindness
patiently mending my torn soul.

I expose my cracked and broken self
longing and looking for
a savior to rescue me from my destruction.

Who will heal my wounds?
Who will bind my broken places?
Who will not run from my festering sores?

I walk the lonely road of the broken
looking for you.

Poem Comments


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am2anangel commented on Road of the Broken


i enjoyed this poem and its expression of brokenness we all are broken in some way as tender poison points out. whether it be physical,emotional or otherwise. And we all have different ways of traveling that road and dealing with it. I enjoyed your poem.



Thanks so much, am2anangel, for reading "Road of the Broken". I agree with you. We are all broken in some way and deal with it differently. We need each other to recognize our brokenness and help us on our journey to wholeness.

tenderpoison commented on Road of the Broken


excellent writing, we are all broken and walk this's just that part of being this broken is that we rarely see our fellow travelers.



Thanks for reading on commenting on "Road of the Broken". I agree with you, tenerpoison. We can become blinded in our own brokenness and rarely see or appreciate the brokenness in others.

optimistic commented on Road of the Broken


I understand completely about walking that lonely road. I myself continue to walk that road quite often, yet I find that changing thinking process helps to mind some wounds. I really enjoyed the rhyme in this poem.



Thanks for reading and commenting on "Road of the Broken". I think we are all broken in some aspect. Thanks for the encouragement!

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Weatherstone’s Poems (40)

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