Warm Friend


  • Nature

    Warm Friend

    Morning dampness fades away
    before the warmth of your glow
    as you chase away the dark.
    Rising mists shrink back down
    and return to pond and bog
    as you rise.
    Damsel fly and dragon fly take wing
    to skip along thermal winds
    as you lift warming air.
    Heat of day brightens the landscape
    bending and waving the air
    as you bake the earth in your heat.
    My arms burn red and my brow spills sweat
    as your bright yellow orb begins its descent.
    Warm blankets of wind surround and swirl about me
    as your globe touches the western horizon.
    Evening coolness winds its way
    over the darkening landscape
    as you descend into darkness
    leaving us anxious for your return
    in the opposite sky
    to begin for us
    a new warm day.

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    ivecute77 commented on Warm Friend


    got to love the sun. great poem

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    Weatherstone’s Poems (40)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Other Side of Night 0
    California Quail 0
    Tired So Tired 1
    Significance 1
    The Critic of a Perfectionist
    's Play
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    At War 0
    Lost 1
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    Road of the Broken 3
    Cry of the Curlew Bird 0
    Ode To Desert Flower 2
    Running the Risk 5
    Wrestlers 3
    For One Dim Light 3
    Breathing Atmosphere 2
    Spring 2
    Dew On Death's Door 5
    Hands of Time 2
    A Parent's Joy 1
    Fall Into Winter 1
    My Heart's Flow -5
    Sandy Seashore 1
    Razor Blade Tongues 2
    Mind's Eye 1
    Travel 4
    The Deepest Part of Me 1
    September Tears 3
    Descends the Darkness 1
    Warm Friend 1
    We Are Made 5
    Creator's Way 1
    Measure of Me 1
    Dance Lessons 7
    This Mountain 0
    Mountain Conqueror 1
    My Son 3
    That Young Soldier 2
    The Measure of Two Lives 1