Why Do Our Children Fail?


  • tonylamar
  • is Urging people not to wait till God is all you have left, to realize He's all you ever needed.

Why Do Our Children Fail?

Our children, they only know what we teach them or what they've seen of others like themselves and they find this
direction of "astray", this minus
as a plus
As parents do we cuss?

 Do we cheat and steal and lie to maintain
As parents do we cause pain?

Do we follow a rule that breeds selfishness in our community?
Are our beliefs one of its all about me
Gotta get mines, you gotta do for yourself and other such lines?

Are we really willing to teach a generation without ourselves first being to teach whats righteous and true
and what might just undo

a life of negativity and disapointment? Are we willing
To let this be what we teach our children?

Instead of what might lead to death and a life in jail
Is this why our children fail?

See the best educators should be those outside of a classroom, inside of a household
aside from the street corner or the music video

Too many children are being raised by programs on TV
And most parents are afraid to discipline their children because the courts say its abuse and they fear the penalty
but when will they see

That an infusion of discipline early in life eliminates that A moral strife
So theres no worries that my child will be arrested in school for showing up to class brandishing a gun or a knife

We tend to let our children as young children do whatever they please
From before they can even talk, while their still on their knees

We dont think to start to teach them
and that a verbal tone of discipline will ultimately reach them

Will shape them and guide them
and ultimately provide them

With standards that wont tear them down but upbuild them
I think the better question is, not why do our children fail, but why have we failed our children?

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tonylamar’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Reading inbetween the lines of "My Country Tis Of Thee" 1
Why Do Our Children Fail? 0
I Want To Know Again 3
I Believe 1
Relationship Homicide 2