Reading inbetween the lines of "My Country Tis Of Thee"


  • tonylamar
  • is Urging people not to wait till God is all you have left, to realize He's all you ever needed.

Reading inbetween the lines of "My Country Tis Of Thee"

My Country Tis' Of Thee
 It is she who I see, whos outstretched arms sworn to protect has left her own in misery
Has left her own discarded and shelved, battered, bruised and hungry to fend for them selves
And to mend on their own. To seek out the familiar in a world of unknown
To gain understanding and break free from the confusion
The reality of which is the declaration of independence and the amendments proclaiming equality for blacks and people of color, is just an illusion

Sweet Land Of Liberty
Your people ask "What have you given me? What will the cost of my living be?"For the freedoms you said I have in you came with a price, so they're not free

To Thee We Sing
with our voices strained, to make those hear who turn a deaf ear when the song is no longer praise, but the pain of complain

Land Where Our Fathers Died
with mothers and children side by side
9/11, Katrina, leadership assassinations, the near extiction of indians and blacks on plantations

Land Of The Pilgrims Pride
Where murderous treachery and abandonment abide, and our childrens, childrens, childrens recollections coincide with each others recollections, because our history books lied

From Every Mountain Side Let Freedom Ring
Let freedom rain
Let freedom shower down and cleanse what this freedom has stained
And then lets see what the words will be
When reading inbetween the lines of
My Country Tis' Of Thee

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Hiporlacking commented on Reading inbetween the lines of "My Country Tis Of Thee"


I dig how you wrote this. Though I must confess the line "The reality of which is the declaration of independence and the amendments proclaiming equality for people of color, is just an illusion" annoys me. Listen up boss...or don't. This long haired white boy has more in common with your average brother on the east side then his own ilk. Poverty is blind my friend and Lady Liberty is a stuck up bitch. Keep on writing.



I appreciate and respect your comments. This piece was definately designed to do 2 things. 1. Make people angry enough to finally take a look at the other side. And 2. Realize we are our country, and that like America, you can be extremely flawed and still be called great! How ironic.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

tonylamar’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Reading inbetween the lines of "My Country Tis Of Thee" 1
Why Do Our Children Fail? 0
I Want To Know Again 3
I Believe 1
Relationship Homicide 2